A New Hope

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Izuku P.O.V 

It was a pretty normal morning at the hospital- aside from the great news I've received from the nurse. 

 I sigh, looking down at my lap. Kacchan had woken up for a second, glancing at me and smirking before lifting his head to only fall asleep on my lap. I swear my heart melted, and my chest felt so warm inside. How can he be so calm and quiet now? Was he really worried about me?

I noticed all those small details as I studied Kacchan's face. The morning sun made his face glow ever so slightly, also making his eye bags more visible. He looked tired (and hot), I thought.

I gently stick my hand in his spiky ash blonde hair. I card my fingers through the strands, stroking it. It seemed to have a good effect on him because Kacchan was smiling.


He's smiling.

My heart skipped a beat, feeling excited. I couldn't help but smile myself and freak out on the inside! This is a big deal! I better put this in my notes on his hero page, and-

"Hey, nerd, don't fangirl over me~" Kacchan teased, his smile turning into a slight smirk. I flinched in surprise, taking my hand away. Did I mumble that?

"S-s-sorry, I just-"

He grunts in response, grabbing my wrist and putting it back in his hair. I could feel all the heat rushing into my cheeks, and embarrassed; I turn my head the other way.

"Deku, look at me." He sits up, my hand sliding down to his shoulder as he did.

I slightly looked back with a nervous face. "What?" my voice cracked.

Before I could even process what was happening, Kacchan's chapped lips were on mine. 

I felt his hot hands grab my shoulders as he moved his lips against mine; turning me to a more comfortable angle. My heart was racing as I tried kissing him back, tears forming at the corners of my eyes. 

Sadly, he finally pulled away with a satisfied smile. Is he blushi-

"..Idiot, breathe through your nose." He chuckled softly, caressing my face. 

...I don't think I can even explain how happy I am right now.

A sudden burst of excitement?

Feeling like I have a million things to say? 

I took a deep breath, looking down at his hands. 

"I-..I think I'm in love with you, Kacchan. This whole time."

His hands intertwine with mine, and I glance up at his face. He seemed serious yet relieved. Was this just what I needed this whole time? 

"Me too."

The Next Day, third P.O.V

Izuku finally got discharged. He felt self-conscious in a wheelchair, especially since Katsuki is pushing him around. But he hoped maybe someone-- SOMEONE has a quirk who can fix his problem. Because obviously there aren't any doctors who can, making it seem like he's doomed.

Katsuki walked slowly as they exited the building, getting hit with the smell of rain. Clouds churned and morphed, a sign of rain. Somehow it felt nice outside though; not cold nor hot. Izuku looked down into his lap, staring at his loose jeans. He really did lose a lot of weight and muscle due to this accident- more worryingly, in fact, even Katsuki seemed like he wanted to help. The greenette just huffed, looking up at the sky. 

Katsuki leaned over a little and blocked his view. He smiled slightly, having the urge to just kiss him again.

"Kacchan?" Izuku met his eyes. 

"Huh? Oh, I just got lost in thought there. Sorry." He bluntly sighed, continuing to walk. He wasn't sure where they were going, Izuku's mom let them hang out upon his release so maybe they could do something together. 

Ah, I kind of can't. Okay. Drinks?

"Uhm, Deku? Do you want to go get a drink?" The ash blonde slowed down, continuing to look forward. They obviously weren't going to go to that one cafe from last time, though.

"Really-? Sure! I'd love too!" He giggled, a dimple formed in his freckled cheek.

"But no coffee," Katsuki warned, "The lady said you weren't healthy enough for it". Izuku only nodded, smiling. They neared a cat cafe- Izuku absolutely adored animals. Maybe this will be like therapy for him, Katsuki pondered.

"Hehe, I know."


They enjoyed a few hours in the cafe, and Katsuki's mom decided to invite Inko and Izuku to just catch up; congratulate him for getting out of the hospital. The overcast in the sky made everything just slightly darker when they went outside. 

Izuku's face was suddenly filled with life- completely differed than the one that was pale and sickly in the hospital. He was holding a red bean paste pastry, a left over from the cafe. Izuku mostly rambled about heroes their time there. Katsuki wondered if it upset him in any way still, because of his situation.

Katsuki P.O.V

I think the last time Deku was at my house was the first year during middle school. That's when I felt weird around him, so I kept trying to distance myself and seem mean. I hope my mom doesn't talk about it or whatever.

I grunt and take out my keys, too impatient to just knock and wait for the door to open. I swear she takes years.


My stupid mom showed those old photos to Deku of me and him. Thank GOD thats over now, it's just me and Deku on the couch. Honestly? I'd prefer if he was on my-

"Hey! It's that one villain I was talking about," he pointed at the TV. He continued to be annoying and mumble about that weird villain, but it's somehow cute. I stared at him when he wasn't noticing. A that thought came back to my mind from earlier.

What if I can really have him sit on my lap?

(so you guys want a book 2..?)


crappy chapter, i know. im just unexpectedly super busy EVEN on spring break. everything is really taking a toll on me.. 

anyways, next chapter or the chapter after that will be the last. 

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