Pancakes for dinner

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Football practice was super hard today, and I walked into my room exhausted. I lied down on my bed ready to fall ito a deep nap, but then I remembed that Nina is coming over to tutor me, and I hopped into the shower, so that I don't stink as bad as I did now. After drying off, I threw on a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt.

I looked around my room at the mess, and set to work making sure it was a little more decent and cleaner. I stuffed old clothes into my drawers, pushing junk under my bed. Making sure that the room smelled good, I hurried downstairs and sat down on the couch, hoping that I could watch a few minuets of hockey before she showed up.

Twenty minuets into the game, my black lab began to bark. I looked out the window to see Nina heading up the walkway to my house.

She was walking up outside, supporting a big brown over the shoulder bag which I guessed to have materials needed for tutoring inside of it. She was wearing jean shorts and had a red sox jersey that was way too big for her hanging off her shoulders. Her hair was in 2 braids, and I noticed her bright red converse.

Nina had earbuds in, and as she started towards the house she was bobbing her head around, obviously liking whatever she is listening to. Her big glasses slid down her nose, and she pushed them up, taking her earbuds out. She knocked on the door and I waited a few seconds before opening the door.

"Hi." She smiled at me, and gave a small hand wave.

I smile too. "Come on in, lets go up to my room to start." I lead Nina upstairs, and went to sit on my bed. She stayed at the door, looking around.

"This is your room?" She asked me. I nodded. "It's like the whole floor!" She exclaimed pulling a chair up to the side of the bed. I grinned.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

I spread my stuff out, and she does the same.

Nina starts with math, and I had to admit, after a hour it seemed a whole lot easier.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I asked her, standing up.

She nodded eagerly. "I'm always hungry." She said. I laugh, because the same could be said for me.

"Let's go get something to eat." We headed downstairs, and I looked in the fridge. "How about pancakes?" I asked her.

"Even though it's night? Sure." Nina replied. "Do you want help?" I shook my head, and she sat up on the table, watching me. She seemed so much spunkier now than she had earlier, it was strange for me.

As I made them, we talked. I learned a lot about her during that time, such as she thought Tom Brady was the best football player ever, and has an obsession about him. She likes vanilla, not chocolate, but prefers strawberry ice cream the most. She is allergic to cats, and has 4 dogs, all black labs too, named Braders, Brady, TB, and Tommy. Yeah, I know. Obsessed much???? She also loves books, and reads at least 2 a day. Her favorite books are some books called Maximum Ride. She has a crush on a character from it named Fang. Yeah...... pretty odd.

We lost track of time, and before you know it, it was already 10. Nina told me she couldn't stay any longer, and she headed out the door, telling me that she would see my tomorrow. I wished her goodbye, heading up to bed.
I admit, tonight had been more fun than I would have expected, but that didn't mean we were friends. Yet.

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