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Almost done with the story, over a thousand reads, ahhhh! Enjoy this chapter, thank you for reading!

Epilogue 1

Kevin's Pov

It's been 2 years since that day when I confessed my feelings for Nina. I still remember every detail of that day, every single second. Call me sentimental, but I still have the detention slips that he gave us. Speaking of those detentions, we had plenty of fun during those, especially when the teacher left the room.

I had been wanting to ask Nina to marry me ever since the one year mark, but I held off. I hadn't asked yet, because I was sure that Nina would say something along the lines of "Not yet." Lately though, we have been even closer than before, and I felt the need to pop that question now, stronger than ever. I asked for her father's permission, and he said yes.

Tonight for our anniversary, and I had a special date planned out. I looked up (thank heaven for Google!) romantic restaurants, and was going to take her out to a little Italian one that I found, for an early dinner. Afterwards, in the sunset, I was going to propose, and pray that she said yes.

(3 hours later)

Fixing the tie one last time, I slowly reached my shaking hand up to her doorbell, and knocked loudly. Immediately she answered, and took my breath away, as always. Her hair was up in a tight, clean bun, and she had on a flowing lavender dress that complemented her eyes perfectly. Behind her big, cute, black glasses I could see that her eye shadow was glimmered and purple too, and she looked absolutely perfect. I reached forward and grabbed her off her feet, spinning her around in a full circle.

"You look perfect." I murmured in her ear, kissing it lightly. "An angel, a beautiful, graceful, flawless angel. I can't believe how stunning you are." I whisper, and pull away to see her blushing bright red.

"You look like a beautiful angel too. Wait, I mean, what?" She stammered, and I smirked, holding her close to me.

"Thanks angel." I leaned close, and pecked a sweet kiss on her nose. "Let's get going now, shall we. I have reservations for five."

I hold her hand the entire car ride there, inhaling the scent of roses that drift off her body. When we get to the restaurant, she gasps.

"You brought me here? It's so.... fancy. I feel underdressed." she looked at me with worried eyes.

"You look perfect." I smile, and reluctantly let go of her hand when we are seated at a candlelit table near the window.

After dinner, I take her on a walk, and my calculations are perfect, because right when we are passing Andrew's Peak, a small water fall that overlooks a beautiful view of the mountains, the sunset is at its pinkest and prettiest.

Turning towards her, I kneel down on one knee, and hold out the ring I had gotten. It shimmers in the dim light, and Nina gasps, her hand flying to cover her mouth.

"Nina, these last few years that I have known you have been so different than my old life. When I met you, almost immediately you brought purpose and meaning into my life. While we dated, every single day I woke up anxious to see your face, to hold you and kiss you and be with you. I love you so much, and even when we fight, there is no other person on this earth that I would rather be with, and spend the rest of my life with. Will you please, do me the honor, of being able to call you my wife, for the rest of our existence?" I poured my soul out to her, and closed my eyes, waiting for her answer.

When I open them again, I see mascara running down her cheeks, tears pouring down her from her eyes.

"Yes, I want to be with you forever Kevin. There's no one else I could love as much as I love you. Yes, I want to be your wife!" She cries, and I grab her delicate hand, slipping the ring onto her finger.

Then I pull her into me, and kiss her passionately but sweetly and gently, not intensely, because the peacefulness and acceptance in this kiss just feels right, and I know without a doubt, that this is what I want my version of forever to be spent with.

(6 months later)

Nina's Pov:

I gasp, looking in the mirror at myself. I had seen the dress before, but right now, it feels different. My hair is hanging down my back in curls, reaching right to where my strapless dress begins. The top is simple, but when it gets to my belly, the dress explodes into diamonds and lace, fanning out, making me look like a princess. My vail is simple, just lace, but it reaches the ground and flows with the dress perfectly. I never thought it was possible to look this graceful, but apparently it was.

My mom comes in, crying her eyes out. "My darling little girl looks so grown up! And she's getting married! Ohhh!" My dad hurried in, comforting her. Eventually he looks up at me, and I could see the proudness in his eyes.

I said goodbye to me mom, and took my dad's hand. Before I knew it, the wedding march was playing, and I was moving forward through the aisle. I didn't look in the audience though; I was too busy locking eyes with the groom. He looked so handsome; his blond hair gelled up perfectly. When I finally made it up to the alter, I could see his eyes traveling up my body, taking in my appearance. I stood up straighter, holding my head high.

"You clean up well." I whisper teaseing him, and he just smiles back, turning to face the priest.

When it's time to say our vows, Kevin turns to me, and speaks loud and clear, "I, Kevin Owens, take you, Nina Conner, to be my wife, to have and to hold from now until forever, for better and for worse, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, for the rest of eternity."

"I, Nina Conner, take you too, Kevin Owens, to be my husband, to have and to hold from now until forever, for better and for worse, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, for the rest of eternity." I repeat, and tears swell up in my eyes, gazing into the intensity of his eyes.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Kevin leans into me slowly, gazing into my soul, and I close the gap between us, wrapping my hands around his neck. I lean into him, catching his lips in a slow, mesmerizing kiss. A sigh goes through the crowd, and we finally pull away.

"I love you Nina." Kevin whispers to me and I notice the tears in his eyes.

"I love you too." I whisper back.

"Forever?" He asks.

"Forever." I reply, and he kisses me once again.

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