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I start to close the door and turn back inside, but suddenly I change my mind. Reaching around and pulling the door back open, I turned to stare at the retreating girl prancing down my walkway in the cold.

"Nina." The words came tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop myself, causing me to cringe. What was up with that? I internally groaned.

She turns slowly, her brown eyes lighting up. I glance down at her and notice that her arms are wrapped around her arms, rubbing slowly. I watched her fingers make tiny circular motions, as if trying to stay warm against night sky.

Instead of answering my call, she just stared at me. I watched her for a moment longer before stepping a foot further away from my doorway. Peeling off the sweatshirt that I had put on a little while ago, I gestured towards her.

"You look cold." I muttered, glaring as she flinched. I hadn't meant to seem scary or threatening, but had I? I sighed, looking at the ground, and then gazed back up.

"I mean, ah, do you want to borrow this? For tonight? It seems kind of cold out and you don't have anything and you're walking home I assume so..." Oh gosh, was I rambling? I froze in place, shocked. I had never rambled, never had that much to say, but for some reason I felt a need to justify my actions to this nerd. This had never been a problem before, would it be now?

Nina interrupted by worrying, walking back up the steps. I watched as in one action she took the material I was holding out of my hands and reached up to put it on. As she did, a flash of skin on her stomach was revealed, and I felt my heart speed up. I couldn't help it. I was a guy. Stupid guy hormones.

"Thanks." She murmured, pulling it down over her head and rubbing her face in it. I watched her, confused and oddly intrigued.

"Are you- smelling my sweatshirt." I questioned as she rubbed her nose in the hoodie. Yeah, that would definitely need to be washed.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yep. Smells like cologne." With that she turned, and began prancing away. I shook my head, bewildered at what went through that girls head. Finally, after she left my sight, I turned and went inside.

A side effect of watching too much CSI is feeling the need to make sure the doors are securely locked, and so after doing so I headed upstairs. Brushing my teeth while in the shower, I was ready for bed in no time at all, and I let my hair air-dry while I went to go lay down in bed.

Staring up at the ceiling, I felt bored. In an attempt to be funny, I pulled out my phone, and texted Nina.

Me: I have a joke. Knock, knock?

I pressed the send button, and immediately a ringing sound filled my room. I shot up out of bed, and realized that Nina's iPhone was sitting on my desk, the screen lit up. I got up slowly, and grabbed it, staring at the devise in my hand.

Should I look at it? I questioned myself, wondering if that was okay to do. Who was I kidding, of course it's not okay to do, but I felt a weird urge to turn on the phone and see what games and music it had. Finally, after debating with myself for several moments, I hit the power button. Guessing her password was pretty easy, as she went with the simple 1234 code. I wanted to warn her to be more careful, but I knew if I did than I would be busted easily.

What to do first? I opened her contacts, seeing she only had three. Her two parents and me. I sighed for her. Did she really have that much of a lack of friends? I had over a hundred contacts.

Next I checked her pictures, noticing that she had very few selfies and more artistic photos. I scrolled through those slowly, and then afterwards checked her music.

The 80's. Time period of the music geniuses. I liked this girl's taste in music. After seeing several bands I recognized and others I wasn't too sure about, I put them on an instant shuffle and closed my eyes, listening to the music sink in.

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