Pizza for breakfast

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(Apawah01= wasn't sure what to call you so I named you Anna. Hope that's okay!)

I feel poking. Who's poking me?

"Kevin..... Wake uppp."

Oh. That makes sense. I'm sleeping.

"Mmph." I mumble,  turning my headinto the pillow.

Poke. I flop around.

"What's the big deal! I was sleeping." I grumble.

"I'm hungery!" Nina says happily. I grumble some more, and then stand up.

She just stands there.

"What are you waiting for missy? Go."

We head downstairs, where I see my 14 year old sister, Anna.

"Hey brother. Who's this?" Anna asked. Nina waved awkwardly. "Hi, I'm Nina."

"Why are you in my house?" She questioned Nina. I could tell Nina was nervous, so I spoke up.

"Nina had to stay with us because her parents are out of town She's also my tutor."

Anna looks like she wants to say something, but I shoot her a look that says Shuttup or I'll make your life miserable. She then just smiles sweetly.

"Okay, then. What's for breakfast?"

"Pizza!" Nina yells. I laugh.

"Okay then, pizza it is."

While eating the cheese pizza, we play 20 questions.

"Fav. Color?"Nina says. "Mine's blue."


"Orange." Anna says proudly.

 "Like Effie's hair?" Nina asks with a strait face.

" A bit more muted. Like the sunset." Anna replys.

"Quoting the Catching Fire, I see." Nina smiles.

"You started it!" Anna exclaims, giggling.

Good, they get along. Now if only she was my girlfriend. But that won't happen, because sadly she is in love with some other idiot.

When we are done, Nina excuses herself. "I have to get my bag, I'll be right back." She says, smiling her breathtaking, delicate, smile that makes me shiver in longing.

"We'll be right here...,"She skips away. "Counting the minutes." I sigh. Without her presence it's depressing.

"I am right here, I can here you, you know." Anna winks. Opps, forgot she was there. "Soooo, what's going on with you two?"

"She's not my girlfriend." I say, going over to shut the door.

"But you want her to be."

I don't deny it. I mean, it would make me the happiest man alive.

"What are you waiting for? She likes you, I can tell. Go get her!"

"Noo no no. She LIKES someone else!" I run my hands through my hair. "It doesn't matter if I love her!"

"You love her?" Anna asked, shocked.

"I-I don't know. It's so confusing." I grone.

"You're whipped. I have advice though!" Anna says.

I'm about to ask what it is, but Nina re enters.

"Hi guys! I'm baacckk!" Nina sings, skipping through the room. "Are you okay, Kevin?" She asks, noticing my position, which is my head in my hands, covering my face.

"I actually kinda want to get out of here. Wanna go somewhere?"

"Okay!" Nina smiles.

"Umm, meet me in the car, I have to get something." I say.

"Alright Anna, nice to meet you!" She giggles, hugging my sister goodbye.

Once she leaves the room, I turn to Anna.

"What was that advice you were talking about?"

Anna shifts, so that she is leaning in close to me.

"Did she tell you who she liked?" Anna spoke softly, so that only I could hear. I shook my head as a no. "Well, then, how do you know it's not you she likes? My only advice is, get her before it's too late."

With that, she hopped away, leaving me to regain my composure in silence.

What if she was right?

The car ride was silent, but in a good silence. It wasn't awkward, just peaceful. She had tried to figure out where I was taking her, but she couldn't, and after a couple, (more like 20) minuets she stopped.

"Ha!" She laughs randomly.

"What? What's so funny?" I ask.

"I just realized, when we have been together we have had pancakes for dinner.

and have had pizza for breakfast! We're so weird."

"But a good kind of weird."

"A good kind of weird." She echoed, and before anyone can stop me, I reach out and grab her hand, feeling the warmth radiating through my skin like a wave.

And the best part is? She doesn't pull away.

Hi. I played my little tribute to The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins. "Orange? Like Effie's hair?" "A bit more muted, like the sunset." Everyone, those are not my lines, they are S.C.'s. I just watched the second movie again! Luv it!

So, hope you enjoyed, and eat pancakes for dinner and pizza for breakfast!


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