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  • Dedicated to EVERYONE@ WATTPAD!

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Waking up, I sigh as I glance at the calendar. Why on earth is it already a Monday? I swear that yesterday was Saturday, not Sunday! Monday's stink. Just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean that I enjoy school, or waking up early.

I push my glasses up my nose, and stagger slowly into the bathroom, washing my face and doing the necessary things a girl's gotta do in the morning. I think about putting on makeup, but decide against it since it's not like anyone would notice.

Heading downstairs, I look up to see my mom standing in the kitchen, a big smile on her face. "Nina dear, these were on our front porch this morning!" She giggles, and hands me a big bouquet of roses.

Who would send me roses? Why? I think, shocked. Nobody has ever gave me a flower before, especially not a dozen roses. I look on the tag, and my heart flutters.


Hope you enjoy the flowers. They're pretty and red, just like you. I'd bet a lot of money that you are blushing bright red right now. Am I right or what?

See you very soon, ;-)


I laugh out loud. He's cocky, just as usual. Really though, he gave me flowers? And he said I was pretty. I can't believe it.

"Who's it from?" Mom peers over my shoulder, and I jump away.

"NO ONE MOM!" I shout, shoving the paper in my pocket.

"My little baby girl is growing up!" Mom squeals, and starts jumping up and down in circles.

"Mom, calm down," I say. She keeps jumping. "Mom. MOM! EDNA!" I use her real name, the one she has always hated.

"Sorry hon. It's just my little sweetly has a boyfriend!" She tries to throw me a mad look for using her name, but is too excited and starts giggling again,

"I do NOT have a boyfriend!" I whisper yell. Ug she is such a pain.

"Someone obviously wants to be your boyfriend though."

"This person isn't even important. I could care less about these flowers." I shrug, like it's no big deal.

"Are you sure?" She looks thoughtful.

"Positively positive. Oh no, I forgot my backpack in my room!" I turn and sprint up the stairs. Locking the door behind me, I then take the note and put it in a special scrap book that I dedicated to Kevin. I had collected his things slowly over the years. One time he had made a finger knitting bracelet and then thrown it away. I had reached in the garbage later that day and retrieved it. I had a pencil that was his once, and other little things.

Carefully I pressed the note down, and then took each rose and pressed them in. When I finished, I took one last long look of joy at them, and then turned around and headed for school. I could hardly wait until I saw Kevin at last.


I left the roses in front of her door, and hurried to school soon after to set up the rest of the stuff. If everything is going to plan, she should be getting up right now. I just hoped, with all my heart, that she would figure everything out.


It's my first class, and I haven't seen Kevin so far. I keep looking at the door, waiting to see him walk through the door. He doesn't though, and I finally pay attention to Mr. Neal.

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