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Next day, aaria was having lunch with her friends .she was getting zaryaab's calls again and again.she couldnt off her cell , because her brother was going to pick her after lunch . Her friends were already asking the reason of her sour mood , she didnt want anymore questions .

She got up with an excuse of using loo , her phone rang again . This time she picked it up ,

"Yes ? " she asked with supressed anger .

She didnt get an answer through phone. Zaryaab came infront of her ,and said directly 

" i didnt think , you will like me meeting your friends just yet"

Aaria's face was turning red with  anger .

" what do you want ? " she asked thorugh gritted teeth .

" you ... i love you aria! I know its shocking , but i fell for you on 1st sight . I want to make you my wife" he said .

Aaria was literally shocked after hearing this , but then recovered herself .an involuntary laugh left her
" you want to make me the part of your life? Who said that i will ever marry a man like you" she said mockingly  "i will prefer dying than marrying you .dont cross my path again " she said moved towards her friends .

Zaryaab was shattered after hearing her rejection , the guy who had never even heard a no was full blown rejected . But the blow of his heart was covered by the blow on his ego .

He left for his home , everyone was scared of going infront of him , because of his worst mood . He was sitting in his room with a smoke in his hand .

Ahmad entered the room and saw him sitting on the sofa, feet placed on the table , he was looking upwards with his head resting on the backside of the sofa .

"Is everything ok , shah g " he asked. He was watching zaryaab take long puffs of his smoke .

" yes , just someone has fallen in love and got rejected " he said while looking at him .after seeing his confused face he continued " ahmad! Its me ." Ahmad was shocked after hearing it , a laugh left zaryaab " but dont worry , she is my love, not a just anyones .i  wanted to never show her my cruel side , but she has asked for it . I wanted to give her the fairy tale every girl wanted . But now,  she will be mine , with or without her consent "his heart was clenching with the thought of hurting her , but he decided not to listen of it .

Amad just gave a small smile and the wished in his heart " may Allah help this girl" he knew that if zaryaab had decided to get something, he wont back down.

The reason of his calm and happy mood was also explained after this decleration.

" who is the lucky girl , shah g " ahmad asked .

" Aaria khan, the daughter of khan family " zaryaab said .

"Oh " ahmad said with a smile .aaria was beautiful, but nothing extraordinary .he had seen strikingly beautiful women come in his boss life , and him not giving them the time of the day.it 's really love which can make a common person special in the other's eyes.

" ahmad, get the whole information about aarish's bussiness . " zaryaab said

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