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"Hola amigas! Hoy tenemos una visita muy especial." 

Sophia smiled widely at the camera in front of her as she motioned for him to join her on camera. He took a seat next to her, his thigh brushing against her for just a split second. That contact alone was enough to make her suck in a breath.

"David Dobrik! Welcome to my channel." She laughed, wrapping an arm around him and giving him a side hug.

"It's great to be here. I have no idea what we're doing but I'm excited." David laughed, fixing his hair nervously.

"Hoy invite a David porque lo vamos a sorprender con algo que a él le encanta. Yo voy a mentir y le voy a decir que va ser algo de miedo."

"Not knowing what you're saying is making me so scared."

"Well, you should be!" Sophia smirked, standing from the bed and walking over to her dresser. She tossed a blindfold at him and laughed at his scared expression. 

"Sophia, no fucking way."

"You do this to literally every single person in your life. Stop being such a pussy!" 

He groaned, putting on the blindfold and laying down on the bed. Most people wouldn't treat their first collaboration with a major YouTuber like this, but Sophia wasn't your average girl.

"Ahora, voy a darle unos sustos y seguiremos a darle su regalo."

Sophia smirked, throwing toy spiders on him. He screamed and yanked off his blindfold, the two of them exploding into laughter. 

"I hate you. I thought you had poured real insects on me."

"I don't have the money for the cleanup crew like you do, David." Sophia joked, making him laugh loudly. That made her feel good, making him laugh.

"Anyways, that was just a joke. I have an actual gift for you." 

She got down on her knees, pulling a gift box from under her bed and handing it to him. He yanked off the wrapping paper and smiled excitedly when he saw the Drake and Josh complete collection on DVD. 

"Oh my god, this is so nice. What's this?" He asked, holding up the second part of the gift.

"Cocosette. It's a famous cookie thing from my country, the best thing ever. You better enjoy it because finding that in California was next to impossible."

"Thank you so much." He said genuinely, pulling her in and hugging her tightly. She noted how safe and comfortable she felt in his arms. The kid just gave great hugs.

"Don't sweat it. I expect a new BMW in my driveway tomorrow morning. Thanks SeatGeek." She joked, David erupting in laughter and shaking his head. 


Hey guys! I'm so excited for this book. The translations for the Spanish sentences are down here in order.

"Hi friends! Today we have a special guest."

"I invited David over today because I'm gonna surprise him with something he loves. I'm gonna lie and say that it's something scary."

"I'll scare him first and then give him his gift."

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