chapter thirty six

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One year. It had been one whole year since David and Sophia has started dating. They both planned some pretty elaborate surprises, but all of their plans fell through. Neither one was really prepared for anything big, but both of them wanted to do something memorable for their anniversary. Sophia decided to spend her money on something that they could enjoy as a couple. David took a different approach. He wanted to go above and beyond and make it an anniversary she would remember. Making sure every detail was perfect was starting to exhaust him. He didn't want to have Natalie do it because he just wanted everything to be between him and Sophia. He initially didn't want anyone to know, but things got a little complicated when Trisha was over one night to film a mukbang. Jason was outside on a call with his manager when she brought it up.

"You've been in your head more than ever the past couple of weeks."

"Have I?" He asked nervously, raising an eyebrow.

"What's going on? You can tell me."

"I'm trying to organize this thing for Sophie. I was gonna do it somewhere else, but those plans fell through and I'm trying to secure my backup."

"Are you proposing?" Trisha squealed, clapping her hands together.

"No. Why would you think that?" David asked, blushing intensely.

"Oh my god. You totally are!"

"I'm not proposing, Trisha."

"Then why all the secrecy?" She smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, fine. I'm not proposing but the thought has crossed my mind."

"I knew it!"

"No one knows, so don't say anything."

"How long have you been thinking about this?"

"Since Christmas. I don't know, it's so soon. We're really fucking young." David mumbled, biting his lip nervously.

"Yeah, you both have your lives ahead of you."

"But at the same time life is so fucking short and I want to spend it with her. I want to show her that I'm ready to take that next step."

"Are you? That's a huge step."

"I think I am? I love her with everything in me. Am I doing that impulsive thing I do when I get bored? Fuck."

"Listen, Dave. You're in a good place. She just moved in, you both love each other, you're making good money. Invest in a future with her little by little." Trisha advised, punching his shoulder playfully.

"That's the vaguest advice ever."

"I'm not making your decisions for you, David. You've got a lot to think about."

"Would she even want to get married? We've never talked about it." David huffed, falling back against his couch and staring at the ceiling in contemplation.

"Not even once?"

"All she's said is that she would rather have a courthouse wedding and splurge on a fun honeymoon than have a huge ceremony."

"Don't rush into anything. Just think about it."

"You're right."


David and Sophia were going to a really nice restaurant for their anniversary. David was in his black sweater and black pants that he always wore when he wanted to dress up, and Sophie loved the way his butt looked. She kept teasing him about it as they walked up to the restaurant, making him blush and chuckle simultaneously. They sat down and ordered their food before Sophie perked up.

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