chapter thirty eight

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Sophia had decided to go on a little hike with Apollo. She had a lot on her mind and she just wanted to escape it all for a bit. She hadn't told her parents about the engagement, and she was worried they wouldn't support her decision. She took the leash in her hand, tying her laces before calling for Apollo. He came barrelling down the hall and waited by the door excitedly. She clipped the metal latch onto his collar and walked outside with him. David lived in a hilly neighborhood, so she usually just walked along the street for a while until Apollo started to get tired. She slipped on her AirPods and looked through her music as she walked, Apollo leading her eagerly. She queued up some songs before throwing her phone in her back pocket. The sun was shining down on her skin, and she started to feel a lot more relaxed the more she walked.

She had been debating a lot of things lately, but she kept it all to herself. Had they rushed into things? Should they even do this? Sophia had always been a huge skeptic about marriage. Her parents had a happy marriage, but a part of her worried that marriage would lead to hatred. David was her first committed relationship, and she didn't want to jump the gun. She didn't want to vocalize her doubts to him because she didn't want him to feel bad. He loved her, and she knew that. She just didn't want to jump into something they both weren't ready for. Another huge part of her was dreading knowing the fact that she had no maid of honor. Marcie was always that person she saw helping her plan her wedding. Now she felt all alone. She had Matt, and all of David's friends loved her, but she felt like a piece was missing. 

The one thing she had was her family. Her mother, her father, and her little sister who she adored. Sophia had dozens of cousins, but all of them still lived in Venezuela or were scattered around Latin America after being able to escape the rough conditions of her country. She needed to tell them. She sighed, walking onto a small patch of grass and taking a seat. Apollo laid down obediently next to her, looking up at her quizzically. She scratched his head lovingly before pulling out her phone and dialing her mom's number. It didn't take long for her to answer.

"Hola hijita. Estas bien? (Hey, everything okay?)"

"Si. No te puedo llamar sin tener problema? (Yes. I can't call without having an issue?")

"Por supesto, sino que nunca llamas a tu probre madre. (Of course, it's just that you never call your poor mother.)" She joked, making Sophia roll her eyes and giggle.

"Estan Papi y Lucí en casa? Les queria decir algo a todos juntos. (Are Luci and dad home? I wanted to tell you all something.)"

"Si, dejame buscarlos. (Yeah, let me go get them)."

Her mom took a few minutes to get them downstairs before putting the phone on speaker.

"Hola hija. Todo bien? (Hey, how are you?)" Her dad wondered, taking a seat at the table.

"Si, pero les queria decir algo. Hace una semana, estaba con David en un restaurante. Era para nuestro aniversario de un año. Despues de la comida, nostoros salimos al balcon al lado de la playa y, bueno, estamos comprometidos. (Yes, but I wanted to tell you something. A week ago, I went to a restaurant with David for our one-year anniversary. We went out to the beachside balcony of the restaurant and well, we're engaged.)"

"Ya lo se. (I already know this.)" Her mom shrugged, chuckling to herself.

"Seriously Mumi, you know I watch the videos." Luci laughed, hugging her stomach.

"You told them?" Sophia groaned, shaking her head.

"No, David called before dinner and told us." Her dad smiled, taking her mom's hand in his. 

"So, you're all okay with it? You don't think it's too soon?"

"I love David! I can't wait till he's officially my brother. I've always wanted a brother." Her little sister chirped, making her laugh.

"When it's the right person, you know. I see the way you look at each other. Your mother and I were engaged in 6 months, and we're still together 40 years later." 

"I was kinda worried you guys wouldn't like it."

"We love him. We agree."

Sophia felt Apollo's leash tug her arm harshly, and she screamed as the force almost sent her flying. She looked up and saw Apollo running towards David, who had just pulled up on his electric scooter. She smiled widely as she saw him squinting in her direction, waving exaggeratedly and making her laugh.

"I love you guys. I'll see you for dinner this week." Sophia smiled, ending the phone call and running over to David with Apollo anxiously dragging her in his direction.

"I was wondering where you had run off to." David smirked, leaning down and petting Apollo happily. Apollo jumped up and licked his face, making David giggle.

"Just wanted to go on a little hike. My dad just told me you called him before proposing."

"Yeah, I did. I was kinda scared he'd think we were crazy, but he was really happy."

"I love you." She mumbled, taking his cheek in her hand and pressing her lips against his.

Any doubt she was feeling earlier was immediately gone the second they kissed. She knew he was meant for her, and this decision was the right one. David pulled away to catch his breath, kissing her forehead softly.

"Have you had any second thoughts? You still want to do this?"

"I've never been more sure of anything, baby. You're the one for me." He smiled, bumping his nose against hers playfully.  

sirens - david dobrikजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें