chapter twenty eight

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"Baby, you have nothing to be worried about. They're gonna love you." David laughed, shaking his head. They were on their way to Vernon Hills and Sophia was absolutely terrified. She really wanted his family to like her.

"Okay, but your dad seems scary. Jason said he'd disown you if he hates me."

"You believed that old sack of shit?" David joked, laughing to himself.


"He's not gonna disown me. Also, he's gonna love you, Sophie. You literally have nothing to worry about."

"I just...I know how much your siblings loved Liza and I'm worried that I won't be enough for them." She admitted, scratching the back of her neck.

David sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't know how to reassure her because he was kinda worried about the same thing. He knew his sisters would adore her, but Toby was still really young and him and Liza were really close. He was scared Toby would say something that would upset her. Sophia wouldn't make a scene, she was really relaxed, but little things would bother her and make her insecure. David understood the way she worked.

"I'm gonna be completely honest. My sisters are gonna adore you. Just listen to their boy drama and make fun of me and they'll live for it."

"I'm more worried about Toby," Sophia admitted, shaking her head.

"I have Lucí, so I know how to deal with girls. I've just never had to entertain a little boy before. Is there anything I should do or not do?"

"Just talk to him like normal. He picks up on a lot of things, and he'll appreciate you just being genuine with him. Also, he's gonna love the present you got him so that'll help." David chuckled, squeezing her thigh supportively.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being really fucking annoying. I've never been this nervous to meet someone's family before. I've never really told you this, but this is my first serious relationship."


"Yeah, it was just flings for all of my life. I was too scared to commit. Now I'm too scared to meet your family." She giggled, shaking her head and looking down at her lap.

"Were you scared to commit with me?" He wondered, scratching the back of his neck.

"No, I was just worried I was rushing you into something you weren't ready for. Something was different about you. We just clicked so well and I'd never had that feeling with anyone else."

"Liza was scared to meet my family too, you know. At first, it kinda annoyed me how apprehensive she was. It took me a while to realize that the real reason she was scared was so much deeper than that. It's the same reason you're scared," Sophia raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue.

"You see us together long term and for that reason family is important. You want them to like you because you're planning on sticking around. You're in love with me." David smiled, taking her cheek in his hand and stroking it with his thumb lightly.

Sophia took in a breath as he said those words. They had said that they loved each other a million times, but there was something scary about admitting that you were in love with someone. That was a much deeper territory. Being in love meant that you were willing to give your entire self to that person, that they meant everything to you. Being in love meant that you couldn't live without them. And that's exactly how she felt. Her relationship with David got serious pretty quickly because of how hard she fell for him. All his quirks and annoying habits were just endearing to her. She felt like he was made for her.

"I'm in love with you? Someone's full of himself." Sophia giggled, shaking her head.

"You're so in love with me and you know it. Admit it."

"Well, you're more in love than I am."

"One hundred percent." David smiled widely, smashing his lips against hers.

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