chapter twenty seven

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What do you get for the boy who has everything? Sophia was stuck on this dilemma for weeks. Whenever David wanted anything, Natalie would buy it. The kid owned a flamethrower for Christ's sake. She knew she wanted to get him something romantic, but she couldn't figure out what. Before she met David, she never had a partner that was romantic with her. It was something she wasn't used to. Any past girlfriends or boyfriends were just flings. What she had with David was the most real relationship she'd ever had, and she wanted him to know how much she appreciated him. David had this idea that her gift to him was decorating his house, which was far from the truth. She just couldn't think of anything good.

"He's such a hard person to shop for." Matt sighed, laying back on her bed.

"I know. And I'm trying to buy him something that he'll love even more because it has meaning behind it, but I'm dumb and can't think of anything."

"Romance isn't your thing?"

"It's not that. I just, he's so good at it. He's such a good fucking boyfriend. I just want to make him feel as good as he makes me feel." Sophia sighed, running her hands through her hair. Sophia stared at the ground intently before it finally hit her.

"I'm getting him a keychain with a coffee cup on it."


"Because the first time I realized I was falling in love with him, he showed up at my apartment to edit. It was way before we got together officially. He shows up with my Starbucks order that he had remembered from weeks before. It's dumb, but it's when I knew."

"Wait, that's really cute." Matt smiled widely, nodding excitedly.

"I'll get him a Cartier ring too, but that's the main gift." Sophia said confidently, tapping her fingers against her leg. She reached out and grabbed her laptop, researching every possible option until she found the perfect one.

"Wait, a Cartier ring?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, the love one. It has screws on the band."

"Oh, okay I know what you mean." Matt smiled to himself, pulling out his phone and sending a text to Jason. The two of them were buying each other's presents from the same jewelry line, which he thought was really sweet. They were totally on the same wavelength.

The door opened downstairs, David yelling out a hello to see if anyone was home. Sophia slammed her laptop closed and giggled, Matt standing from her bed and stretching his long limbs. The two of them made their way downstairs, greeting David quickly.

"I'm gonna head out. You two wild kids have fun!" Matt joked, waving before walking out of the front door.

David wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his frame. Sophia smiled up at him, pressing a trail of kisses on his jaw.

"Let's go jacket shopping."

"Do we have to?" Sophia groaned, hiding her face in his neck.

"We leave to Vernon Hills in four days. Yes, we have to." David chuckled, rubbing her lower back absentmindedly.

"I know. I just don't want to think about how cold it's gonna be."

"Very cold." He laughed, Sophia smacking his chest playfully.

"Fine, let's go."

They hopped into the Tesla and went on their way to the store. Going to the mall was always tricky for them. A lot of people would recognize David and then tweet about it. They had gotten kicked out of so many malls for that reason. It always made Sophia a little nervous to run into fans. David was always really good with them, but she never really knew how to interact with them. They never wanted to talk to her, so she'd always just awkwardly go on her phone. Thankfully, this wasn't one of those times. They didn't have a single fan encounter.

"This is the jacket. Jason made me get it last year and it's the best shit I've ever bought. We need to get you one."

Sophia threw it on, looking at her reflection. It looked really nice on her, but she knew it was way too expensive. David had dragged her to Saks just to get this jacket and it was way out of her price range. She had never been anywhere cold before so all she had was a bunch of hoodies. She had a lot of clothes to buy for the trip.

"David, this jacket is almost a thousand dollars. I can't do that."

"I'll buy it." David shook his head, taking her hand in his. He rarely ever did that, and it threw her off.

"You already bought the plane tickets."

"Yeah, but you bought the ones for Florida."

"I'm sure we can find a cheaper jacket, babe." Sophia sighed, letting go of his hand and sliding off the jacket.

"Yeah but this is the only jacket you'll ever need for the rest of your life. I'm buying it and you can thank me later." He smirked, grabbing the hanger from her hands and walking towards the cash register.

"David Julian Dobrik, do not spend your money on this jacket. It's not worth it."

"It's my money and I'll do what I want." He said stubbornly, raising his eyebrow in a taunting manner.

The cashier rung him up, Sophia keeping quiet to not cause a scene. She was gonna let him have it in the car. David was usually really good about spending his money, but she hated when he splurged on her for no reason. It made her feel bad. It wasn't his job to buy her nice things. All she wanted was him. They walked back silently towards the car, David already preparing to get yelled at. They rarely fought, but he knew she was angry. Once they got in the car, Sophia crossed her arms.

"I told you not to buy that. Who says I even like it?"

"You and that cute face of yours. We've been together for almost half a year. I know how you work Sophie."

"I hate when you spend money like that. It drives me crazy."

"Baby, that's what money is for. You need to worry less about that kind of stuff. You're doing great, I'm doing great, and I wanted to get you something nice. Say thank you." He joked, making her roll her eyes playfully as he took her chin in his hand.

"Fine. Thanks, David."

"Was that so hard?"


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