1. q a y a a s- Presumption

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A cup of hot coffee with tons of sugar and milk and a heartrending romance book while Akira, like the rag-doll cat she was, slept on her lap. That was her wonderland. She sat back against her windowsill as she flipped another page. The world around her disappeared as the words of the book started to play like a movie in her head. She weaved her own characters as she kept up with the book.

Suddenly, the door slammed opened and Sanaz came barging in, holding her heap of law books. She dropped them on the desk and heaved another sigh. The quarter hadn't even started yet and Sanaz had her nose in books already.

She threw her own novel on the bed and ran her hand through Akira's fluffy fur as the ivory cat meowed in gratification.

"I'm surprised you haven't grown muscles while carrying these gigantic books around." She whistled, looking at Sanaz's millions of books.

"I'm about to cancel the gym membership." Sanaz flopped on her chair. "And it's building muscle, not growing, Rabail."

"Yeah, yeah. Same thing." She rolled her eyes as she jumped off the window sill and put Akira on the bed "What time are  you meeting your mentor?"

"In 20 minutes." She glanced at her watch. "Are you ready?"

She nodded. "Just need to wrap my hijab."

Sanaz passed her a genuine thankful look. Rabail just shrugged. She always dismissed the driving topic because she knew Sanaz still couldn't handle sitting in the driving seat. Her wounds were still raw.

Rabail pulled out the drawer under her bed and eyed the rainbow of scarfs. From baby blue to the elegant coral, she had almost every color under the sun, but of course, her hand reached out for the damn black viscose scarf.

She was zipping up her boots when Sanaz whirled in her chair. Her honey-colored eyes going wide.

"Why are you wearing boots? It's 76 outside." Her roommate raised her eyebrows with incredulity.

She pulled open the closet door and twirled to look at herself in the mirror.

"It goes with my outfit." She gave her friend a full toothy smile.

Sanaz literally facepalmed and turned back towards the little desk mirror to tie her hair in a loose bun. The girl already looked like a supreme court lawyer. Sometimes Rabail felt like, her friend probably came out looking like a damn lawyer from her mother's womb. Poker face, parted hair, and head always set high. When the other babies cried the first time, she probably said 'your honor.'

"Ready?" Sanaz's voice broke through her overactive imagination like always. She nodded and picked up her keys. She bent down snuggled with Akira before putting her back on her bed.

"This cat is so fricking lazy." Rabail shook her head.

"Look who is talking." Her ardent friend muttered. Rabail knew very well what Sanaz was talking about.

Jason Mraz hummed on Spotify as they cruised through the mild traffic of Exeter's highway. She enjoyed the evenings of Exeter, everything else... not so much. The only reason she chose Exeter was probably cause of how majestic and enchanting the campus was, with old white Victorian buildings right up next to the ocean. Tucked between the green mountains and the cerulean ocean, Exeter was a soothing view for her restless soul.

"When are you meeting with the professor you are going to be assisting?"

"You mean when am I becoming his slave."

"Why do you have to be so dramatic all the time?" Sanaz groaned. "Who is it anyway?"

"Apparently some Professor Khan." She popped the gum she was chewing. She glanced at her friend in the passenger seat, and she was sitting there in shock, almost looked traumatized. Her light brown eyes looked like they were going to fall out.

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