44. s w a t - the motherland

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Pulling the blanket aside, he slipped back in beside her. Pulling her closer to him, she stirred in her sleep. Rolling over, she stared at him with sleep in her eyes.

"Where did you go?" She sighed and buried her face on the side of his neck.

"I got lost a little. I was just finding my way back." He rested his chin gently on the crown of her head.

"Mhmm." She was already falling back into her slumber.


"Hmmm." Her eyes were closed as she tried her best to stay awake. He stared at his wife with amusement.

"We are going to Pakistan tomorrow."

"Huh?" Her head jerked up. She stared back at him with confusion and sleep all in her big eyes. "I thought we were staying for a week."

"I changed the tickets. I can't stay here longer." His hand was brushing against the softness of her jaw, tucking away the escaped locks of her hair. There was something about running his fingers through her hair that calmed him.

"Are you going to see your father before leaving?" She put her head on his upper arm, using at as a pillow as always.

"I just saw him." He gazed at the ceiling. His mind was at rest. No guilt. No shame. No war. This was him. Free.

"What happened?" She whispered.

"I freed myself, Rabi." He looked down into her widened eyes as if she was anticipating another round of pain, but relief washed into those brown eyes as he smiled at her. "I'm never coming back here."

"What about Ayla and Kabir?"

"They are my siblings, more like my kids. I'm going to do everything to stay close to them. They are welcome at my home anytime. But I'm not coming back here. He is their father. They are free to choose what they want to do. If they want to stay here with him, that's okay with me. That's not going to affect my relationship with them."

Breathing in the warmth of him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled against his skin. Kissing the corner of his lips, she whispered.

"I'm so happy for you, Asfi."

Sleep was long gone as they spent their hours teasing, talking, and reminiscing the better half of his childhood.

He was playing with her hair and she was sprawled across him. His other arm resting on her waist. Her head was on his chest as she traced his tattoos on his shoulder.

"Asfiii," Oh he knew that saccharine sweet voice. She definitely wanted something. "Babyy?" This was that tone which was the sole reason for the million candles in their home. The voice she used when she almost convinced him to adopt another cat. Or for the heaps of junk food that she filled the kitchen cupboards.

"What do you want, Rabi Noor?" He bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing. She was so adorable as she blinked at him with those big eyes.

"I was thinking..."

"That's a very dangerous thing you're doing, babe, please don't."

"ASFI! Go away, you oaf! I'm not talking to you." She scrunched her tiny nose and tried to get up, but in vain. His arm tightened around her waist and he kept her plastered to him.

"I was just kidding." The warmth of laughter erupted in his chest. He put his fingers under her chin and raised her frowning face. God, she looked so adorable. He kissed her reddening nose. "Anything for you, what do you want?" She was about to open her mouth but he blurted. "Except candles."

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