13. r a b a i l - veil of flowers

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The sun was setting the blue sky on fire as it fell to its decline. She always wondered how did something so burning hot was so beautiful. She walked to the front of the car and leaned back against the bumper, finally sitting down on it. Watching the color of the sky change as it traveled towards the horizon, from blue to pink to orange to yellow. 

Suddenly the world around her was becoming heavy. Amongst the crowd of people. Like a piece of branch torn from its roots, thrown away amongst the foreign woods, burning alone. She had many people around, but no one to call home? A person she could turn to and rip her facade in half and just be herself.

     Ya Allah, She looked to the cleared sky as if looking for her lost connection to God, like she had learned when she was a kid. Show me a way out. Get me out of this purgatory. Just then she heard the voice that sent her down the spiral.

"Miss Noor," came the whisper from her left.

Turning her head slightly to her left, she peered at him and turned her head back down, staring at her boots. Specks of sand shinning on them. She never did like the feeling of sand on her skin. Hence she always wore boots to the beach to save herself the hassle.

"You didn't even say Hello!" His words were light, yet bits of emotions hidden in them

Oh, the audacity of this man.

She looked up from her boots into his brown eyes. They were much lighter. The golden rays reflecting into them, making them look like pure honey and the gold flakes now shinning in them like stardust. They were alluring. They were beautiful.

But looking into them in that moment, she felt defeated. A wave of heaviness washed over her, dreariness wrapping itself around her and engulfing her. Her body feeling harrowed and overwhelmed. As if finally putting down her weapons and surrendering to the heaviness in her heart.

She didn't say anything, not even her spiel of stupid stuff that she always brewed in her mind. She turned away from him and watched the sun yield to its descent.

"What's wrong?" He leaned against the front of the car, leaving quite a space between them

"Nothing is wrong." She watched the waves retaliate against the cliff as the crashed with the stones over and over.

"Then why are you so quiet?" She could feel his eyes on her, but she didn't want to face him so she watched the wonders of nature in front of her.

"I can't be quiet?"

"You and quiet?" A throaty chuckle left his lips. "Never."

"Then you don't even know me." Turning around, she stared straight into his glassy eyes. Why did that sound so accusatory? Of course, he doesn't know me. Why would he know me?

The flare of fury crossing his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been rude." Shaking her head, she apologized.

"Miss Noor-"

"Sorry, I'm going to find Falak and call it a day. I've already interrupted your dinner previously. Wouldn't want to intrude on your 'personal emergency.'" She air quoted the last two words. His jaw clenched as she went on. "It's not like I mind or I was hurt that you canceled the session for that down there. I mean I'm already a nuisance in your life three times a week. So wouldn't wanna impose further on your dates with your not so ex-fiancee and-"

"Rabail," Her name rolled off of his tongue as if it was a prayer. Her heart slammed in her chest. Her name had never sounded so sacred. As if it was only meant to be whispered by him.

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