34. k h o d i a - lost

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The finals week was here. The dead week. Most days of her were cooped up in library with her former roommates. Her current roommate aka her husband also spent his time locked in his study to prepare exams for his student.

The evenings were her favorite as they'd come back from their exhausted commitments and share a light meal on the deck of their balcony, watching the sun fall behind the peaks of mountains.

It was her last final. She had stayed up all night, finishing her blog design and submitted around Fajar time. That last minute before deadline due to procrastination really brought the best in her. Sighing and preparing for one last time, she prayed fajar and gone to bed.

The moment she slipped under the blanket he pulled her closer to him, tightening his arms around her. Kissing the crown of her head, they fell in the peaceful sleep for another few hours.

Her alarm rang at eleven. Taking a long breath, she rubbed her eyes till she felt something sticky on her forehead. And it was a sticky note. She rolled her eyes. Of all the places, he found her forehead to stick that to.

Good Luck, you got this.
I love you

She laughed. The little things made her fall in love with him more. Like when he had left a scantron and new pencil for her on the kitchen counter on first day of finals. Or making her coffee at two in the morning when he woke up to get water but saw her working in the living room. Or when he took her to eat frozen yogurt after she was done with her first final.

Or the most breath taking for her was when he had made an appointment for her with the psychologist and brought red roses for her when she had gotten back home with swollen eyes after spilling her guts to the therapist.

He had held her as they stayed the rest of the day in bed. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her as she cried. Cried because talking about it brought back memories. Memories that left imprints on her and she never thought she could leave all that behind, but he held her. Letting her cry and then telling her that there was hope.

She tied her hair in a bun, leaving the warm cocoon of her bed. Getting done with her morning rituals, she picked up her project file to revise her presentation.

When she got to the kitchen, the laugh bubbled up in her throat. He had made her breakfast and left another note. Her favorite french toast with a side of fruit bowl with a white rose in a bottle.

I know you got this. But even if you didn't i'd still love you and much more. But I say you got this and destroy them like you have destroyed all the vases in this house.

Of course he'd never Let live her that down, the three times she had run into vases and broken all of them. Now he had decided that glass vases were banned in the house

He took a photo of the note and breakfast and texted him.

You're my hero - Rabail

Here I thought I hid my cape well. 🤦🏻‍♂️ - My Man💛

I said hero not super hero 🙄 - Rabail

I'm just saying you haven't seen me or batman in a same room🤷🏻‍♂️ - My Man💛

I haven't seen you or the Joker in same room either 🌚 🃏 - Rabail

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