27. g u n a a h - sin

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Her mother's eyes were red. Bloodshot red. For the first there was something in those cold dead eyes for Rabail. Something cracked in her as she watched her daughter very quietly shatter.

She was falling numb.

He is not your father!

No tears.

He is not your father!

No pain.

He is not your father!

No cry for help.

He is not your father!

She turned around, running up the stairs, the duppatta falling behind her on the stairs. She pushed opened the door. Looking for the drawer where everything way. Opening it. Throwing out all her certificates. Where is it? Throwing out the letters, transcripts, passport. Where is it? Finally she found it.

Smiling it at, she ran down. Slipping over her veil on the last step. Falling to the ground. Her knees bruised. Her ankle aching, but she didn't care. She picked up the piece of paper that held her whole world together.

"Look at this," She said like she had won. Like it was all the truth she needed. "This is my brith certificate. His name is on it. Aslam Azeem. Father of Rabail Noor." She slapped in her mother's hand. Smirking. "You can't lie to me like that."


"No, please, don't do this. He is my father. I know it."


"He is my father. He is my Abba. He has to be. How can he not. I love him so much. I know he is my father you can't take that away from me."

"RABAIL, HE IS NOT YOUR FATHER." She held up the a paper that started to seem more like a lie. "He signed this because I begged him to and because I didn't want the humiliation. But the truth is he is not your father. I cheated on him. I fell in love with someone else."

She staggered back. Her back hitting the table. The vase falling and shattering on the floor. She stared at the glass pieces and then her mother. Back at the glass pieces and then her mother.

"He was a Surgeon. I was a Nurse. We worked together. Hours and hours on end. Spending day and night at the hospital. I started opening my heart to him. Telling him about life. About dreams. About the things I've always wanted and next thing you know we were falling in love. I felt guilty. I was married. Married to a man who was desperately and heed over heels in love with me. But my heart was somewhere else.

"The first step towards sinning is hard and rest falls like dominoes. It started with mere touches, hugs, the way he'd tuck my hair behind my ears. By the time I was out of this intoxication. I had cheated on Aslam. Committed the grave sin morally and religiously. But it was too late, I had been pregnant with you. I left everything behind. Your biological father, my work, my home and we moved here. Aslam knew something was wrong, but he thought it was related to pregnancy. I lied to him. Told him your were his. You were born, he was so damn happy and I thought I could keep this engraved in my heart and took it to grave with me, but when he looked at you he knew something was wrong. As if the kid didn't belong to him and I had to tell him the truth. Because he started piecing together the past."

"Begging him to put his name on your birth certificate. He did because he was in love with me and that's what love does to you. It destroys you. It leaves you hollow and broken. His love for me tortured him but he stayed. I dont know why but he stayed. Maybe for Hassan. Maybe for the little left between us but he stayed."

"I swear to God, Rabail, I tried. I tried to love you because you were my daughter. But I couldn't. Staring at you, I saw him in you. I saw the betrayal Aslam felt. I saw my unforgiving sins. I saw him in you. The rebel, that smile, those eyes. Reminding of the nights I had betrayed my morals and faith. I couldn't love you Rabail and I'm sorry."

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