• beautiful •

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"Rabi, what happened?"

She was fuming as she slammed the door behind her and threw the keys in the bowl. She pulled the scarf from her head with force throwing it on the couch as she walked back and forth in their living room. Asfandyar crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the kitchen counter. His lips turned upwards as he watched her. Her nose turned red like always as she mumbled furiously. Her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose slightly slipped down and she didn't even realize in her anger. Gosh, he just wanted to kiss her, but he knew she'd chew his head off even if he tried to distract her.

"Rabi? Babe, if you don't talk about it, I won't know what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

"Did you see the woman? The way she was staring at me and then told me I needed to lose weight as if I was eating out of her house. How fuc-" She fretted around but stopped midway as he raised the jar on the kitchen counter. Since the baby was on his way, they were both breaking the habit of using such words. "Ugh ASFIIIII. I can't with you." She huffed. He bit on his tongue to control the laughter because he knew the consequences were bad if he so much as cracked a smile

"Rabi... she didn't know you were pregnant. You are merely showing."  He wrapped his hand around her wrist, pulling her to him. He encircled his arms around her waist. 

"Oh you find it amusing?" she squinted at him. "This is all your doing. This is all cause of you." She jabbed her finger in his chest and he finally cracked the smile.

"Babe, we share the genes in that baby. More like it's half and half." He pushed up her glasses, God how she so beautiful? He was one lucky man. Though, He knew his smart mouth was going to get him in a whole a lot of trouble, but he loved messing with her and riling her up. 

"Since you find it so funny, you can sleep on the couch here and dream about your three affairs." She broke out of his arms, marched across the hallway and slammed their bedroom door. He broke out in a fit of laughter as he heard the lock. Gosh, he loved her too much.

"Rabi, I love you." He shouted after her and heard another slam of drawer. He shook his head and sat on the couch and turned on the TV. He flipped to the movies section and put on her favorite animated one, as cooked fries for her. He knew she'd be craving them. He put the basket of fries on the coffee table and waited for her. Willow and Akira were curled under the table watching the drama unfold. Poor cats were probably fed up with them as one of them meowed at him.

An hour later he heard the door and he bit his smile. She had changed in to his crew neck shirt that said University of Exeter, English Department, and her cat pyjama pants. She walked to him with a small frown as he held his hand out. She took it, sitting next to him and then snuggled into his arms, putting her face in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you." She whispered against his skin. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple.

"Rabi," He took a long breath and put his fingers under her chin, making her look up to him. Her eyes. Her beautiful and big brown eyes. He smiled at her.  "You're beautiful, just the way you're. Especially how you're now. What that woman said was utterly rude, disgusting and none of her business, but since when did that start to matter. You know you're beautiful. And this one right here." He slid her shirt up a little and put his hand against her stomach. 

"This is your baby. Our baby. He is listening to everything so you tell him. So you tell him his mama is beautiful and strong. His mama doesn't give a damn about bullies and stand up to them instead of taking it to her heart. You teach him to be kind like his Mama. You teach him to be courageous and brave just like his Mama. And you teach him to spread love like his Mama. Okay?" He traced her lips with his thumb. She nodded, he leaned down and kissed her, pressing his lips against her, letting her know he loved her no matter what.

"Thank you, Asfi." She put her head on his shoulder, closing his eyes. 

"Now, we are your fries and let's watch the movie and forget about that mean woman." He put the basket in her lap and played the movie. She kissed the side of his jaw and smiled.  Anything. He'd do anything for that smile and the happiness sparkling in her eyes.

It wasn't halfway through the movie that he found her sound asleep in his arms, clinging to him for her dear life. He turned off the TV and wrapped her arms around her back and her legs. He picked her up, making sure to not wake her and took her to their bedroom. He put her on the bed, fixing the blanket on her. He sat the edge of the bed, caressing the side of her face as she curled up in the bed. His crazy, crazy, beautiful wife. He stared her and then leaned down, leaving a chaste kiss on her forehead as he got up to pray for the night and Thank the Almighty like every day he'd done since he'd married her. 

She'd never know that every night he prayed extra two rakats for her safety, her love, and for being grateful that his Almighty had brought such a beautiful person in his life as his lover, as his companion, as his best friend... and of course as his wife.

Well Hello!

I just wanted to pop in a little here and thank all of you for re-reading this story and loving it so much and of course, to all the new readers I don't even know how to say thank you to all of you. I hope you enjoyed this little piece since everyone was missing Rabi and Asfi. Here they are in their completely crazy and dramatic world, still just as much in love.

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