8. t a j a s u s - curiosity

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and what about the ones that are not physical? - Rabail

She texted him back. In her right mind, she would've never even bothered to reply. But her mind was fogged with emotions and pain. Her mind was not in the right place. The high from emotions was worse than the high from alcohol. Emotionally Foggy mind wanted to let go of everything, wanting to break through and let everything loose; which was the most dangerous thing for someone like her whose whole life was bottle inside her. Swirling like an old wine... the more time it went by, the more it became poisonous.

Forgiveness. - Lucifer

Such an ordinary word that carried an enormous struggle. How does one forgive someone? She didn't know. There was no space for forgiveness in her. She was filled with pain, anger, frustration, and most of all... unanswered questions.

Is it that easy to forgive? - Rabail

She leaned back in her chair. It was the first time ever someone had showed her a path towards healing without trying to scrape for why she was so screwed up. Maybe he did think she was psycho, but at least he didn't voice it. Oh, what words can do to a person. He'd also said no one is worth sacrificing her peace over, but was there even peace to sacrifice? And to forgive, while she was never for the things that she didn't have any idea of so how could she forgive. Wouldn't it start with herself? and never in a million years, she could forgive herself for what she did to herself.

It's the only way. If not, your soul is always looking for something and in return only gets hostility, cynicism, and unkindness. Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean the person or situation has to be part of your life. It means you come to terms with the given circumstance and know that what happened in the past, you have no control over and the only way onwards is to heal and to be kind to yourself first and foremost - Lucifer

The question was why hadn't anyone taught her to forgive? Life would have been much easier if she'd only known to be kind to herself. Never had someone put it for her in such words that it didn't seem overwhelming.

Her phone vibrated again.

I'll still need the reports done by Wednesday. There is no forgiveness for that =) - Lucifer

Her mouth fell open. He really was a monster. He had to ruin all that some way.

Rude - Rabail

Reports by Wednesday!!! - Lucifer

My hand just got burned - Rabail

It's not broken and that doesn't affect your ability to type. Overdramatic!!! - Lucifer

Let me burn your hand on Wednesday then you can tell me how overdramatic it is - Rabail

and you call that COFFEE???? - Lucifer

It's coffee with sugar and milk, unlike your bitter concoction just like your personality - Rabail

It's Coffee-flavored Milk - Lucifer

it's called COFFEE!!! - Rabail

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