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That one time when they announced Rabail was pregnant...

❃ That one time when they announced Rabail was pregnant

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"It's cold out there, Rabi, get back in here." He yelled from the bathroom, watching her lean on the railing of their balcony. "Rabi!" She waved his worry away, humming the tune of her favorite song. The breeze flirted with her hair as they cascaded down to her waist like a midnight waterfall.

She watched the tall mountains. They caught her breath every single time, no matter how long or how many times she stared at them. Her heart was full and content. Clear like the night sky was now after the first rain of the Summer. Everything surrounding her was damp in the sweetness of the first rain. She closed her eyes inhaling the fresh fragrance after the rain. As usual, she had stolen his black hoodie.

"You don't ever listen huh? It's cold out here tonight." He sneaked behind her picking her up in his arms.

"ASFIII!" She shrieked wrapping her arms around his neck, laughing, as he carried her in placing her on the bed. "I'm pregnant, not sick."

"And what if you get sick?"

He turned off the lights, of course, she had abandoned her pillow to snuggle into his. The moment he slipped under the covers, she wrapped her arm around his torso, putting her head on his chest. He curled his arm around her back.

"I didn't think life could get any more perfect or happier than the day I married you, but this... this is something else." She mumbled tracing the ink on his chest. Shirtless Asfi was drool-worthy and her favorite. The name of his mother on his chest always did something to her. She traced the Urdu letters embedded in his skin,

"Happiness looks good on you, Rabi." He threaded his fingers through her hair, running along the length of her hair. "But you need to start taking care of yourself more."

"You are being too paranoid. Your baby will be fine, I promise." She moved her head back, staring into the midnight black eyes. The care and love for her shinning like stars in his eyes.

"Yes, I love our baby, but I love you too, maybe a little more." His hand splayed carefully on her stomach under the hoodie. "But the truth is this baby is there because of your existence. Our baby is only going to be okay when the Mama is happy and healthy. So you need to take care of yourself. The doctor said the pregnancy can be complicated, being your first and with both of our history. So I need you to take care of yourself, please."

"I have you to remind me of that so let me live." She kissed his stubble covered jaw. He had let it grown out due to the summer vacation. She kissed down the path of his neck.

"Rabi!" He warned her as she tried to distract him. Oh, how the tables had turned. "Stop with your antics."

"I love you." She started laughing, making him smile too between his frowns. "You look so cute all worried." She held his chin, leaning up to kiss those worried lips before putting her head back on the pillow. She let her hand linger over his chest.

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