26. A b b a - dad

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She was home. A home where her demons were alive and well.

Exeter had given her refuge, a family, a home where she could breathe without feeling guilty, and a man who was her everything. A man who was beginning to stand between her and her past.

She closed her eyes, inhaling his scent. The mix of ocean and oud working like narcotics on her nerves.

"Hey," His voice was soothing and calm. Her head was against the back of the seat, slightly turning her head, she opened her eyes, staring at him lazily. "I'm here."

The way he stared back at her, it made her crease her forehead. That she was enough. That she was everything and the only one she could see. Like he'd leave the entire world to be there with her.

Don't look at me like that.

She wasn't all that. She wasn't whole. He was going to see that she had been running. Running from her home chased by demons that were created by her own people.

"I shouldn't have brought you here." She stared at her cold hands, picking at the chipped nail polish.


She looked up into the eyes that held so much for her that she was scared that she might lose all of it once she go past that brown door.

"This is not home. This where I live in pieces. Rabail Noor isn't here. Here lives a daughter who is too desperate to do anything for a mere conversation with her parents. Where childhood was trauma and memories are just pieces of nightmares put together. Here lives a girl who tried to kill herself." Her lips trembled as she remembered the pool of blood she was in.

He stared at her. That little smile playing at the corner of his lips, his eyes filled with the light of evening sun. But he was just there staring at her, letting the silence brew between them. As if he couldn't take his eyes off her wavering lips and her hazy eyes.

"Listen to me, love," As if her heart just learned to breathe. As if she could breathe fully and freely for the first time. "This is Rabail Noor, the woman I'm hopelessly falling in love with. Here lives a girl who fell apart, broken in to pieces, but chose to rebuild herself with so much compassion and kindness. Rabail Noor is here and she is strong. She is beautiful. She is a survivor. Rabail survived and that's all that matters."

He was weaving a web around her heart. He was caging her heart in his hand. And she was scared. Scared of what if he left one day. What is she going to do.

"Now, let's go. I don't want to give your brother the wrong idea. He is already staring at me like he wants to murder me."

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows and he pointed at the Front door of the house. Hassan was standing and when their eyes met he raised his eyebrows at her. "Oh God," she groaned, but her lips plastered with a loving smile.

As soon as she got out of the car, She broke in to a run and Hassan caught her in a bear hug and twirled her.

"Biscuit." He sighed. "I missed you, Kiddo."

She didn't say anything. Just letting him hug her, inhaling the aroma of coffee. He was her home. Her brother. Her everything.

"I missed you, Bhai." She mumbled as she tightened his arms around her.

"I missed you too." They broke apart and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. "Well, doesn't look like college done you any good, still a midget, I see."

Professor Khan ✔️(completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang