Chapter 5 - Break Down

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Danny's POV

"So Danny, what's with the fangs?"  Hermione asked when she saw me the next morning.

"Wait, what fangs?"  I replied through-ly confused.

"the new fangs that you seem to have."  She said clearly holding back an eye roll.

Rushing to the bathroom I looked in the mirror to see that I did in fact have fangs.  Great, how am I going to explain this to Hermione.  It must be a side affect of ring I put on last night.  Looking at both my rings I decided that I should take of the ring of Rage to see if that helps only to find to stuck on my finger.  Great, probably this is Clockworks doing.  Sighing I headed back to the kitchen to finish my breakfast.

"So" Hermione asked.

"I have no clue."

"Really, cause I have a feeling that this is connected to your secret that you mentioned last night."


"Why are you keeping a secret from me, you are living under the same roof as me, we eat the same bread cut on our tables, I dealt with you and your auto-pilot mode, WHY ARE YOU KEEPING SOMETHING FROM ME, I mean it obviously is of great importance, but why are you keeping it from me?"

"BECAUSE I'M NOT OVER IT YET!  HAPPY?!?"  I exploded in her face running from the room leaving my half eaten banana on the counter.


Hermione's POV

"BECAUSE I'M NOT OVER IT YET! HAPPY?!?"  Danny exploded in rage at me before running from the room leaving me in shocked silence.  What was he still struggling with?  Does he need professional help? Deciding to concult the library for I grabbed my library card and left the house leaving a note on the table explaining that I had left for the library.


Danny's POV

Man!  Why did I lose my cool and shout that!  Slowing down I realized that I said I wasn't over it yet, not anything incriminating like I still wasn't my death, or that my parents are out to kill me and not actually dead, or that I had to abandon my friends so that they could live to see another day, or that I've watched everyone I love die right infront of me, because I couldn't get to them on time.

Turning invisible, I took  to the sky hoping to clear my head and create a reasonable secret that I would eventually have to share.


Realizing that the sun was already setting, I started back towards the house, enjoying the last minutes of my flight.


Seeing me enter the the house, I saw Hermione quickly closed the book she was reading (Psych of Teens & How to help them) before she asked me, "Are you ok?"

"Yea, I'm fine."  I reply

"So, what was that all about this morning?"

"It was nothing, I was just really tired."



"Danny I know you're hiding your secret pains."

"I'd... rather not talk about it."  I said scratching my neck,  old habits die hard.

"Oh, Ok, I guess that makes sense. "  She replied backing off,  "well if you ever need to talk to someone I am here for you ok?" 

Looking up at her I could almost picture her as Jazz, leading me to smile a small sad smile as I thought about her.  That sounded like something she would say.  "sure." I  replied, trying to keep my voice from cracking from the memories that flew behind my eyes.

After a moment of silence I heard her mom call for dinner, and left the room trying to distract myself from the memories.

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