Chapter 16-Charms and History

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After leaving Transfiguration I was curious.  What would charms class be like?  Would I accidentally give something life again? Now that I think about it, didn't I give it part of my soul that turned it alive?  Then when I took away its life, I had felt the soul shard retrun to me. What if I accidentally started killing people again?  How would I get it under control?  What about my meeting with Death this afternoon during my free period?  

Ugh, I saw my destination in sight sighing I speed up to make it in the classroom before the bell.  Making it just in time before it rung I sat down at a seat in the front.  The teacher, Professor Flitwick, was short and looked up from his papers to study me, looking me up and down.

"Welcome to charms, Daniel."  The professer said after making my feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Please call me Danny." I reply

And just like that he started his lesson.  "Charms differ from Transfiguring Spells in the following manner: a charm adds certain properties to an object or creature, whereas a transfiguring spell will change it into something utterly different.  The lesser charms are not very difficult to break and many of those that you learn as a young wizard will wear off in a matter of days or even hours.  Dark charms are known as jinxes, hexes and curses. These lessons do not deal with such spells.  Lapses in concentration while charming can result in painful side effects – know of Wizard Baruffio?  He was the one who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself lying on the floor with a buffalo on his chest.  Some charms will be ineffective on large creatures such as trolls, whose hides repel all but the more powerful spells, but are very usual other wise.  Today we will start with the basic levitation charm, are you ready for that?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Well, The Levitation Charm we are covering today is the simple Wingardium Leviosa spell, it is a used to make objects fly, or levitate.  There are a number of lesser variations of the Levitation Charm, such as: the Hover charm, the rocket charm, and the floating charm, but the Levitation Charm remains the original and best.  This spell was invented in 1544 by warlock Jarleth Hobart who mistakenly believed that he had at last succeeded in doing what wizardkind had so far failed to do, and learnt to fly.  It also conveniently defies gravity by lifting objects heavier than a normal person would otherwise be able to carry.  Despite its strengths, however, the Levitation Charm has one fatal flaw: it does not work on human beings. Though a human can be levitated using this charm, it is actually their clothing that is being affected. The charm is apparently not strong enough to allow a human to do anything more that float a few feet off the air using this method, and therefore does not allow the afforded to most other objects.  Almost anything can be lifted with this spell, although the object levitated depends on the skill of the wizard and the weight of the object.  To use the spell its a simple swish and flick, you try it." 

 He demonstrates it a few times before I try.  

He nodded his head and says, "Wonderful!  To say it you have to pronounce it like this: Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long, or you could mess up and have your feather blow up.He chuckled to himself.

I nodded and give it a go.  Doing the wand motions and saying the spell, Wingardium Leviosa, I manage to get the  feather off the table and into the air. Playing with it letting it dance all around the classroom to the Professor's cheers and words of endearment.  All to soon the bell was ringing and I realized I had only 2 more classes left more lunch, and my meeting with Death, History and potions with Professor Snape.  


I got to the classroom before the bell rung and was already in the classroom reading the textbook when the teacher realized my prense.  

"Oh, well if it isn't someone who I am so honored to meet!"  the ghost said a smile clear on his face.

"Nice to meet you too."  I replied.

"Well I doubt there is much I can teach you in this class, seeing as the history of us nothing but a blink of one of your eyes in the grand sceme of things."

"But I should still learn everything that will be on my OWLS and NEWTS."  I replied already thinking that he thought that I wouldn't care for history as I am already dead and would probably move to the Ghost Zone soon.

"Fair enough.  Shall I make you a study guide to study from in your own time for your big tests comming up in a few years and let you use this class as a study hall?" I s

"Sure.  Thank you, Professeur."

"Please just call me Cuthbert."

"Will do Cuthbert."

And with that I spent the rest of the class doing my transfiguration homework.

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