Chapter 33-The Party

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The music was playing, and I was awaiting my first guest.  Hearing the door open I saw my first guests enter.  It was three boys, the three I had talked to for the list of first and second years in Slytherin, Draco Malfoy and his two friends.  

"Welcome to my party, I'm glad you could make it."  I said, (very proud that people had actually shown up)

Of course they would your invitations were all mysterious!

"On what occasion are we celebrating with this party?"  Draco replied

" The autumn equinox, of course."

"That makes sense."  Draco replied looking around at all the fall flowers around the room and earthy feel I had just added.

"Please take a seat, anywhere you like."  I said showing them to the table in time for all the other guests to start arriving.


Once about everyone who was going to come was here, I stood my place standing by my empty chair at the round (ish) table.  

"Welcome to my autumn equinox dinner party.  I assume that you all got here ok?"  I asked, and after a few sounds of agreements, I continued, "I am glad that you all could make it, now I'm not one for speeches, so its time we ate our dinner.  Don't be afraid to make friends with the people around you.  After dinner we can partake in some traditional autumn equinox dances and follow some simple traditions for the autumn equinox.  Please enjoy yourself, there will be an announcement towards the end of the celebration so please stay till then.  Thank you."  and with that I sat down and all the fall themed food appeared (as per my request) and everyone started eating and talking.

Looking to my left I realized that on my left was a red-head, who if I remember correctly was Ginny Weasley, who was staring intently at Harry who was sitting across the table from her with Hermione and Ron at his sides. Deciding to talk to Malfoy, I turned to face him as he was sitting to my right.

"Are you enjoying the food?"  I asked Malfoy staring at his two friends who were stuffing their faces.

"Yes, sorry about my friends, they get... over eager when it comes to food."

"So, it seems.  So tell me, I don't know much about you, care to fill me in?"

"Well I come from the noble house of Malfoy, a pureblood family through and though.  I like dancing and traditional wizard holidays.  I dislike Gryffindors."


"Because... they are dirty mud-bloods who care nothing for traditions."

"Now your being rude.  Not all of them are mud-bloods, the Weasley family is a pure-blood family for example.  And not all people who get sorted into the Gryffindor house dislike traditions.  Not everyone there is the same.  Everyone is different and that doesn't leave out the Gryffindors."

"I guess you have a point about the Weasleys, but I won't believe you about your second point until you prove that a person in Gryffindor likes traditions."

"I am part Gryffindor."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I am a part of all the houses, I belong to all the houses."

"Oh,  care to share what the traits of your house are?"

"Why don't you find out by getting to know me?"

Don't push it

I know

"Alright, fine.  What is your favorite color?"


The meal was done so I magiced the table into many mini ones that I then scattered around the room chairs and vases followed as well (The tablecloth broke off to fit their tables as well) and the traditional autumn equinox music began playing and people started forming circles to start the dance, those with knowledge of the dance helping those who don't, All of us facing the the pile of wood that would be our bonfire.  As I lit the white sage and all the spices throwing them into the pile of wood, before setting it ablaze.  I took a step back going back to my position. 

As soon as the music started the help from others for those who knew not the steps seemed unnecessary as the ground itself provided us with the correct moves and thumped to the beat of the song.  Each step we took, the magic inside of us pulsed as flowed fleeting like the dance.  Our feet hitting the floor in the frantic melody, casting spells on the grounds that had not been cast for many a year and were long overdue.  Little did we know that all the magical beings in Europe could feel our song and danced along just they would have hundreds of years ago.

Once the song was over everyone just stood there for a moment, to realize what all had just happened in what felt like a few seconds but in reality over an hour.   At this point I realized that my phoenix had joined us, along with the pets of the people here had joined us at some point (Fawks was here too).  Once the silence broke up and people started talking to each other about what they had just experienced I gave them a moment before clearing my throat to grab their attention.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen of Hogwarts. Thank you for attending my party, and celebration.  Now there is one for thing for us to do, before my speech at the end."  At this point  some voices whispered among themselves before being silenced again as I continued, "Now, please let's gather around our sacred fire, and paint ourselves with the liquid of our season to come as we spread our ceremonial flames, to renew our safety and to bring us all together."  Dipping two of my fingers into the bowl I had prepared (made out of the remains from last seasons harvest -thank the house elves-) and put it on my forehead I passed it to the person closest to me (Hannah)  as she did the same. 

 Seeing the bowl reach the final person I grabbed one of the sticks from the fire and motioned for the others to do the same.  Once we all had flaming stick in our hands, we each lit one of the torches on the wall, before rejoins together in the center, somehow feeling the stronger wards, the increase in the magic around us and our magical cores grow stronger, and how our magics were all now tied together.  

Letting everyone have a moment, I took a few breaths before speaking up, "I am putting on another party for the winter equinox.  Please take a coin, I am passing around, it will inform you of where and when we shall meet next if you choose to join us next time.  Also, you will have to keep its location a secret, along with the coins.  I hope that we all get to know each other better, and I can't wait for our next gathering.  Thank you and good night.  Please leave in small groups as to not draw attention to what has happened here, or its location."


I waved goodbye to Luna as she left, watching her turn the corner and with that I was soon the only person left in the room, but I could now somewhat sense where everyone now was.  Easily cleaning up, I left for my dorm using the CNG room to my advantage.  I had a lot to think about.

I don't own dp or hp (sadly)

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at Hogwartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें