Chapter 42 - Madam Pomfrey's thoughts

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Madam Pomfrey's POV

Whenever I am bored now a days I tend to look over the sheet about Daniel and his species.  It 

really is weird.  

I haven't treated another species in a long time, but I guess Daniel is mostly like a human, so I 

guess he is alright.  Some of things about Daniel worry me though... why does he know so much 

about his species?  Didn't he say that their were only two of his kind alive?  

His sheet that he gave me goes way to much into detail for me not to be worried about him, and the abnormal stats, how had someone never come across his kind before?

What worries me most about is how his normal temperature is below freezing, and there is so many words that he blacked out (for example the two main components in his blood. Why is the second component in his blood blocked out?  What could it be? Is it Unicorn Blood... or is it something else?).

I don't know much about him, but at least I now know the basics on how to treat him if the need arises (which I hope won't ever be the case.)

"Madam Pomfrey quick!  Seamus blew up is his feather on his face in class again today!"

"Alright, I'm on my way now."

AN:  What do you think?  I curious what else do you think is worrying Madam Pomfrey 

about Danny?  Comment!  Vote!

I love y'al!

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