Chapter 45- McGonagall cares

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That afternoon I had class with Coach H.  I found the flying really relaxing and just what I needed to get my mind off the trial and relax.  This mood of course led to me doing tricks and loops that even Mme Houche wouldn't dare try.  

Professeur McGonagall's POV

After Daniel left the room,  I started thinking about what I could be doing for Daniel.  It's quit obvious that he is struggling to hold himself together mentally and that kind of scares me for some reason.  My animal side is worried beyond belief about him and that whatever he is going to face if he can't stop it then we're doomed, but its just a comming of age thing for his kind so why is he so worried about it?

Is he lieing?

If so, why?

"Professor McGonagall! Are you all right?  The bell has already run for class to start!"  

I looked up to see that I had completely forgotten about my class.  "Thank you for your consern Ms. Abbott, but I am fine.  I shall now start our class with a pop-quiz."  I heard loud groans at that from the Griffedor side of the room, but I continued on with my speech as I had learned long ago to pay them no mind, "Now please get out your ink and quils and I shall start hading them out now."

After handing out the quizes, I sat down at my desk and got out one of yesterday's homework assignments to start grading, but after a few minutes I realized I hadn't even read a word on the student's page.  Looking down at the long essay I realized immiadatly whose it was.  It was Ms. Grangers' and this one was farely long even for her.  Realizing that I couldn't deal with this now, I waved my wand at the board and left instructions for then after the quiz and called in the fat Fryer to watch the class while I went in search of Daniel.  

Now,  if memory serves I think he should be out in the pitch flying with Mme Houche.  Heading out to the pitch I was surprised to see him fairly heigh up and doing crazy tricks one after the other laughing in glee a smile plain and obvious on his face.  I smiled looking at him, and my inner cat calmed down, transforming into my cat form I continued onto the pitch and let the sun soak into my furr.  I really needed to remember to do this more often.  When I entered the pitch, I saw Daniel doing a nose dive and Mme. Houche was chasing after him, I could tell that she was worried that he would make a mistake, but it was obvious that she wasn't all that worried.

As Daniel got closer and closer to the ground  I could feel my furr start to spike at the very idea of him getting himself injured.  I could see that he was now 10 feet from the ground... 5 feet... 3 feet... I transformed back into my human form and cast a cushioning charm on the ground below him, 2 feet I closed my eyes waiting for the scream of pain.  After a few seconds I opened my eyes to see Daiel back to doing his crazy corkscrews and trick in the air and Mme. Houche was staring at me fondly as she pointed to his clean face and broom to show that he had easily pulled up at the last second, something I am sure that most pros couldn't even do.

Sighing I cleared my throat just about to call him over before realizing that he had already turned and was starting to head my way at a much slower speed than what he had been travelling at before.  "Daniel."

"Professor McGonagall."

"So to what do I owe this please of speaking to you during my flying time."  

I took a silent note that he didn't even consider this a lesson and slightly agreed. "Well I was worried about your mental state after you told about what was going to happen to you in just a few short days, but seeing as you are smiling now I guess that my worry wasn't worrented."

"Well, thanks for your consern professor."

"No problem, Daniel.  Now remember I'll always been in my classroom, my office or the Great Hall eating if you ever need me."

"Of course."

"Now I better head back to my class."

"Have a good day professor."

"You too daniel."

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