Chapter 29-Quiddich

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Feeling that last burst of knowledge hit me as I wake up from my last clone joined with me, I stood, already taking heart to what the etiquette books taught me.  Using a quick charm to freshen up I left the CNG room and went off to eat breakfast.

Pausing at the portrait of which I usually eat behind, I decide to eat in the dining hall with all of the students instead of the ghosts.  On my way to the hall I meet up with Sir Nick.

"Ah, Sir Ph-Work, where are you going?  You've passed the portrait!" Sir Nick exclaimed

"I know."  I replied.

"Ok, then.  Good day, Sir Work."

Nodding I left Sir Nick behind and joined the rest of the school in the dinning hall.

My entrance caused the room to immediately quiet, and me to have to make a hasty decision, who am I going to sit with?

Well you probably should sit with the Hufflepuffs 


Because siting at Griffindoor or Slytherin would immediately put you at odds with the other, and the Ravenclaws will have to many questions for you to answer.

Case made and accepted.

Sitting down with the Puffs, chatter started up again, everyone talking about me and why I was sitting with the Hufflepuffs.  

"So, who are you?"  A voice to my left asked.  Turning my head to look at the person who sitting next to me I saw a boy, a bit older than me and seemed to have an air about him of importance.

"I am Daniel heir of the nodle and ancient house of Work and First Knight, but please call me Danny."

"I am Cedric Diggory, nice to meet you." Cedric replied, a bit awkwardly.

The girl sitting to my left spoke drawing my attention to her, "I'm Susen from the house of the Nobel Bones family, pleasure to make your aquatintce Knight Danny."

"It's a pleasure to meet meet you as well, Lady Susan."

"So, Knight Danny, to what do us Hufflepuffs owe the pleasure of meeting you?"

"I thought that I should get to know everyone better, and what better place to start than with the Hufflepuffs?"

"We are glad that you hold such a high opinion of us.  Please do tell us about yourself."

"Only after you tell me about you."

"Fair enough, from where do you wish to start?"


Chatting with Susan was fun, as it turns out she wants to join the Ministry when she graduates, her favorite color is yellow, and she lives with her aunt.  When the bell rung I was surprised that the time has passed by so fast and it was already time for quittich class, I had barely remembered to ask for a list of all the Hufflepuffs in the first and second years.


"Welcome to flying class Mr. Work.  Sorry you are starting this class so late, my schedule has been packed."

"That's ok, Professor Houch."

"Now I want you to stand by the broom I have laid out for you and say 'up' in a nice clear commanding voice."

Nodding my head in response, reached my hand out over the broom and called using my best voice, "UP!"  

The broom immediately flew up into my hand and I looked up to see Madam Houch looking at me  approvingly before she spoke again, "Now, please mount your broom and gently push off the ground and try and hover two feet off the ground.  On my count, three, two, one!"

And with that I pushed off the ground and hovered about two feet off the ground.  

Mme Houch smiled and mounted her own broom before taking to the sky asking me to follow her.  I did.  Flying on the broom was very similar to flying and before either of us knew it we were racing around doing complex moves and tricks left and right.  

When the bell rang, I thanked Mme Houch, and left for the locker rooms to get changed and have a quick shower before my next class.


At lunch when I entered I was almost bumped over by a blond haired boy and his two (round) friends walking towards the Slytherin table, I decided to intercept them and ask about a list of first and second years as well (and an apology)

"Sorry to interupt your conversation boys, but I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Daniel Work, Honorable First Knight, and heir to the Work family.  Pleased to make your aquatintce." I said respecting proper protocall.

The blond guy in the center seemed stunned for a moment before replying, "Pleasure to meet you Knight Work.  I am Draco heir to the Nobel Malfoy family, and these are my two friends, Crabbe and Gyole.  What can we do for you today?"

"If I could trouble you for a list of names and pictures of all the Slytherin first and second years, that would be wonderful."

"How could we draw them, or write down their names?  I seem to have my quills, parchment nor ink with me."

"No problem,"  I replied getting out some parchment before teaching him how to cast the spell I had taught Susan.  Once I had a complete list I thanked Draco and his friends, put away his list and left for the Griffindoor table.

It's time you asked her

I know, would you wish me luck?

Good luck

Reaching the Griffindoor table, I spotted Hermione and asked her for the complete list of first and second years in her house.  She already knew the spell, so after I took out my parchment, she just cast the spell easily and asked if there was anything else that I really wanted from her.

Replying that I wanted to speak with her alone, she grumbled and refused saying that anything that can be know to her can be known by Harry and Ron.

Sighing I took a deep 'breath' and spoke, "doyouknowthingaboutgiantsnakes?"

"Well, it depends.  How big are we talking?"

"Just a bit smaller than a blue whale."

"No, I don't."  She regretfully admitted before asking, "If you want I could do some research and come back to you."

"Really?  That would be lovely, thank you."  And with that I left with the Professors staring after me, curiousity written all over their faces.

On my way out I ran into a Reavenclaw student, and asker her for a list of all the students in both the first and second years, which she easily complied with.  Thanking her, I realized I had never gotten her name, so I asked her.

"Well, you my call me Luna."

"Nice meeting you Luna."

"The pleasure's mine."

And with that we went our seperate ways.

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