Chapter 14-Of the Past and Present

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After being sent away from all the classes on my schedule because it was all their off periods, I got to set a meeting up with the Headmaster for tomorrow. After a quick meal with the ghosts, asking them to stop with the formalities (which they didn't, they refuse to call me anything 'less' than Sir Daniel.) I got to my dorm room and fell asleep, letting my memories surface as I descended into Dreamland .


I was standing in front of the nonworking Fenton Ghost Portal, the jumpsuit on, staring back at my friends, Sam (goth, vegetarian and a proud person-became really good at long distance shots, ok with hand to hand combat) and Tucker (tecno-geek, a 'charmer' without the looks-hacker). Looking at them one more time I hear Sam speak, missing her words, but getting the message, go in... Fix their machine, I dare you. Going in and wondering why it wasn't Tucker in my place, I pressed my hand on the wall, making a fatal mistake, on the wall... Was the ON button. Feeling the ectoplasmic electricity coursing through my body, I felt my soul leave my body as I felt the worst pain a person could ever imagine. 

-end dream

I woke up to my own scream echoing in my chamber. Taking a deep breath I took out a piece of paper and reflected on my life, like Jazz always wanted me to do when I was this isordinated. 

Dear piece of paper,

Just because my friends(Sam and Tucker), and now Jazz (my sister) know my ghostly secret (that I'm not human, not anymore) doesn't mean that they know all my secrets, for one: I get really injured on a daily basis. My body is littered in scars because of it, all the ghost fights really are not what my friends see, I go school with a broken leg at least once a month, a broken arm or wrist: once or twice every week. Because of this, I am really good at first aid, and can easily make ice casts for myself when needed, have a high pain tolerance, am ambidextrous, and immune to most forms of torture (Thank the GIW for that- those pesky government fools actually captured me once for a week ( my parents didn't even notice, and Jazz was worried sick) and managed to dissect me a few times (before I escaped). Knowing about Dan (evil me from a different future) and watching him kill my family, even though I defeated him (afterwards), they died and even though time was reset and it didn't happen I still remember it and the promise I had made, never to turn into him, my new biggest fear. Even now though I've defeated Pariah Dark, the old ghost king and am now going to go through trials to become THE KING of the GHOST ZONE!  Why do they even concider me worthy?  Even though am apprenticed to Death herself I still feel like I am not enough. I am in a way glad that my parents are neglectful and don't really care about me because when I worried about them hunting me it was easy just to think of them as strangers (unlike the Red Huntress who I still kind of have a crush on) and now that they know who I am in both forms (& am actively hunting them/me) it isn't as emotionally scarring as it was when Jazz ran off to learn more about my arch nemeses and started attacking me. Vlad is the only other halfa like me that still exists, Danielle (my clone) died helping me escape from the GIW- I still to this day regret using her destabilization as a distraction for me to escape.  I had later gone back to try and save her, but I had been to late.)

Sincerely, Me - DP

Burning the paper once I was done so no one could read it -it is never really good to leave evidence of your secrets-, I laid down and stared at nothing for a few moments before getting up and putting back on my robes before I left to join Sir Nightwing and the other spirits for lunch (even though I didn't really need to eat). And even though I was nervous for my meeting with the Headmaster, I was able to eat (a piece of pineapple). Eating with them made me miss my other dad (besides Clockie) Frostbite (an ice yeti ghost king of his own people and ally of mine-helped me learn to control my ice powers, along with teaching me more about  first-aid, the anatomy of ghosts, their types,  and history.)

Taking a deep breath with schedule in hand I left for the Headmaster's office, surprised to see the Deputy Headmistress already waiting for me, even though I was half an hour early.

"As you should already know I'm the Deputy Headmistress and teacher for the transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall." She spoke.

"Pleased to meet you." I replied bowing my head, following proper wizards manners I had read about in a book of ediquitte I had borrowed from the library.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr.Work."

"Please call me Danny."

"Alright, please follow me to talk to Hedmaster Dumbledore." She said turning around and whispering the password for the stairs.

Following her up the stairs to Professor Dumbledore's office, I remained silent curious as to the reasonings for my schedule being the way it was, and if someone had made sure of it and why they would do that, what would they have to gain?

"Here we are, Danny, this is Headmaster Dumbledore." She spoke referring to the old wizard sitting behind his desk, his eyes twinkling and a phenix perched on his shoulder.

"Pleased to meet you Headmaster Dumbledore, I am Daniel Work, but please call me Danny." I spoke bowing my neck in respect.

"Nice to meet you Danny." his eyes twinkled as he stood up to shake my hand gesturing for me to sit (which I did) as Professor McGonagall left the office, closing the doors behind herself with a bang. And we were left alone.

Even though I wasn't in trouble, I was still to scared to speak, leaving H. Dumbledore (HD for now) to broach my issues.  He had a calculating look around him that kind of reminded me of Vlad, I didn't like it.

"Danny, it seems that there are... issues with your schedule."  HD said.

"Yes, it does seem so." I replied looking at the phoenix still on his shoulder. 

"You seem to have every teacher's planning period, which I guess could be explained by your house, no one has been in it for thousands of years.  I was kind of expecting someone else to be in your house, but I guess his burden wasn't big enough."

"I guess so."  I replied staring into his eyes.  An unspoken threat hidden beneath my gaze.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to share yours, but I'd be more than happy to know about it."


"Ok I guess not. "

"So about my schedule?..."

"Yes, yes.  I do believe that having one on one classes will be good for you, because I have a feeling that your going to be a very special wizard."

"One could imagine so if they knew that I was placed in Threstralhorn." 

"Well, I guess that settles that.  I'll see you around, my boy."

"Have a good day, sir."  I said standing to leave, when suddenly the phoenix flew from HD's shoulders and landed on mine.

"It seems that Fawks has taken a liking to you."

"It would seem so..."  I said nudging Fawks off my shoulder.  Once he was off and flying to his perch I turned to HD and said, "Good day."  Closing the door behind myself before he could even speak a good day in return.

 I did not like him calling me 'his boy' anymore than I liked being called 'little badger' by Vlad.  I now hope to avoid HD at all costs, and not just because of my new nickname.

Besides I am not a boy anymore.  Anyone who has been through all that I have has lost their childhood.

I don't own DP or HP, but I wish I did... Yes, grant my wish!

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