5 - Quidditch more like QuidBitch haha I'm sad

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A/N: Am I the only one that finds it weird when romantic fanfics are written in the first year? Like they're 11 they should not be hooking up. That's partly why I made this set in their fifth year, because making 12 year olds sexy seems like borderline pedophilia and I'm aboutta call the cops on some of these fanfics

It had been a week since Y/N had started and she was already done.

"I swear...if I have one more essay on the fucking fifth goblin war I'm just gonna dive into the lake. Maybe the giant squid can be my sugar daddy, who knows." Y/N grumbled to Hermione after History of Magic. Ron walked up next to them on their way to charms.

"Did I hear the words 'squid' and 'sugar daddy' in the same sentence? Because if so I think I'm gonna need to call a therapist," Ron asked with mock concern. Y/N sighed and replied "No it's fine, I don't have a squid fetish or anything I don't watch hentai. Unlike some people..."

Ron choked and looked indignant, "I do not watch hentai. Also pretty sure porn is illegal in Hogwarts."

Harry was about to walk over to the three of you, but after hearing 'hentai' he promptly turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

*Mini time skip*

You, Harry, Hermione, Fred and George, and Ron were all sitting on the benches in the Great Hall for lunch. As you bit into a pastry, Draco Malfoy walked over. You noticed the guys around you bristle slightly and they glared at him as he approached.

"Baby, you must be a broom, cause you just swept me off my feet." He leaned onto the back of your chair and grabbed a grape off your plate, popping it into his mouth.

"Ok 1. Never take my food again," You glared at his smug face, "And 2. Don't ask me things when my mouth is full and I can't make a proper retort."

"I have something else your mouth can be full of," Draco said, and you slapped his arm as the boys around you burst out with various threats and menacing remarks.

"Relax!" He pulled a chocolate from behind his back and handed it to you. "Didn't know you were so dirty-minded, Y/N."

"Although I'll keep that in mind for the future." He winked at you and left. Your cheeks were warm. Hermione gazed after him, remarking "He's not at all my type, but he is pretty hot isn't he?" The boys protested, but you watched him and silently agreed.

"Anyways, quidditch tryouts are tonight, aren't they?" You asked Harry, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, 5:00 at the Quidditch pitch. Are you trying out?" He replied, silently crossing his fingers.

"Mhm," You nodded and took another bite. "I've always played chaser, but I never thought about trying out before this year."

"You'll do great," Harry grinned at you, pleased that you'd be spending more time together.

Fred and George both wrapped an arm around your shoulders, sending tingles through your chest.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure you're safe. And we'll whack Wood if he cuts you from the team."

You laughed good-naturedly "He has to at least see if I'm good first! I want to get on the team based on my own skills, not cause a couple of idiots threatened to bash his head in." You ruffled their fiery hair and dodged their attempted attacks.

*Time skip to tryout*

The grass was soft underfoot and the sky was clear aside from a couple wispy clouds; perfect quidditch weather. You smiled to yourself and gripped your new broomstick more tightly. As a birthday gift last year, your father had given you a top of the line Golden Arrow, one of the fastest and most maneuverable brooms on the market. You had been practicing with it ever since.

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