Part 2 - Chapter 4

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A/N: so...IT'S BEEN A FUCKIN WHILE. I'M SORRY FOR NEGLECTING THIS STORY SO MUCH. I'm a senior so I'm doing college applications rn and it's hell. I've also been dealing with a bunch of mental health shit but I'm starting to be in a place where I can write again.

Also, this hit 100k??? I'm highkey in shock because now it's at 103k and I-

Thank u for reading I love u I will give u bread. 


I woke up from my nap with no concept of time, space, or what universe I was in. I fell off of my bed, the sheets tangled around my legs and scrabbled for my clock. It was 8 pm, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized I hadn't missed my meeting with Tom. To be fair, we never decided on an actual time. He just said "tonight." Like, that could be any time from 6pm to 12pm.

You know how in movies, when people just say "Meet me in the courtyard tomorrow," and the other person somehow knows exactly when and where in the courtyard to meet them? That's some voodoo shit. 

I don't own any 30's fashion clothing, so I changed into a simple oversized crew-neck sweater and black leggings, hoping no one would think it was scandalous.

I walked down to the common room, cupping my hand over my mouth to stifle a yawn. Naps always make me more tired than I was in the first place. Tom was already sitting by the fire, the light from the flames accentuating his dramatic bone structure and, depending on the angle, making him look creepy as fuck.

"You're late." He uttered.

"We never specified a time." I muttered, sitting cross-legged on the carpet so I could write on the table.

He joined me on the floor and I stifled a grin at the sight of Lord Voldemort sitting criss-cross applesauce to do Muggle homework.

Tom got out his quill and ink and started writing. "Let's start with the Muggle Spanish Inquisition. An estimated 26% of the victims were wizards or witches that let themselves be captured because they thought the torture was fun and there wasn't much else to do in the Middle Ages..."

We worked for several hours, bouncing ideas off of each other and complaining about the workload. It was around 11 pm when my head started to feel heavy and my eyes began drooping.

Third Person POV

Y/N slumped over on the desk, fast asleep. Tom rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and groaned at the sight of the slumbering girl. 

He shook her shoulder, "Wake the fuck up, you sloth." She stirred slightly but nothing could awaken her from her almost deathlike sleep. Tom huffed and organized the papers on the table before scooping the girl up into his arms and heading upstairs.

He remembered halfway there that boys weren't allowed into the girls' dorm rooms and grumbled loudly.

What the hell am I supposed to do with her now? He thought. I guess I don't really have another choice.

He went up to his own dorm room, thanking the heavens that the rest of his roommates were asleep. He dropped her onto the well cushioned bed and she frowned in her sleep, rolling over on her side and curling into a ball.

Tom changed into his pajamas and got ready for bed, only to be faced with the girl splayed out over his entire bed; she was laying on her stomach with her right leg hiked up at a right angle and her left leg out straight.

"Great, now she's even taking over my bed." Tom was royally pissed, but was hesitant to wake the slumbering girl.

He conjured a mattress onto the floor next to the bed and produced several sheets and a comforter to form a makeshift bed. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. 

The Summer I Turned Hot (Hogwarts boys x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant