12 - Mountain Vacation Part 2 - Never Have I Ever

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I'm so mad I literally wrote out this entire chapter and then it didn't save, so I had to type the entire thing out again ugh

Sorry if the updating seems to be sporadic, I try to make the updates at least weekly but idkkk. Thanks to everyone voting and commenting, I love to hear feedback!


I'd thought about what Hermione said a lot, and I still hadn't come up with a solution for what to do. I knew I'd have to talk to them about it eventually, but for now I just wanted to enjoy myself and not think about it.

I looked out the frosty window and saw that everyone was already in the hot tub, so I started heading down. As I opened the door to the backyard, I noticed the tiny and delicate icy flakes floating down from above, and smiled slightly. Where I'd grown up, it hadn't snowed often.

I walked out towards the hot tub and a hush fell over the group as they noticed me approaching. I laughed inwardly at their slack-jawed expressions when they saw me in the bikini. Maybe Hermione was right about them liking me.

I had to admit, I was taken aback too. There aren't many things more distracting than a pool full of hot, shirtless guys.

"You look just as good as you did in the shop." Draco broke the silence with his arrogant voice and bought himself a few glares from the other boys.

Harry cleared his throat, shocking everyone out of their stupor. "I brought firewhisky - how about a game of Never Have I Ever?"


I started the round off by diving straight in with the question everyone always asks:

"Never have I ever had sex." I said, and observed everyone in the circle.

Hermione, Harry, George, Cedric and I didn't drink. I'd kind of expected Harry to be a virgin because he didn't seem the type for casual hookups, but George and Cedric were surprises.

I looked at George quizzically and he winked at me, saying, "Just haven't found the right girl yet." I shifted my gaze to Cedric and he shrugged, "Ditto."

I nudged Ron with my shoulder, noticing he'd taken a drink.

"So who was it?"

His ears turned pink, "Uh, Lavender Brown. Last year."

"Alright, my turn!" Fred announced. "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender."

I took a drink along with Jack.

When asked to explain, I laughed and said "You guys were literally at the party when it happened, did you forget already?"

Ron sighed with a grin, "How could we? I burned that image into my memory and I'm never letting it go." The other boys nodded in agreement.

I remembered that Jack drank as well and when I looked at him quizzically, he shot a grin over at me and said, "Everyone experiments, right?" I felt his eyes roaming me, and I felt uncomfortable but I brushed it off. I was sure he didn't mean anything by it. 

Hermione went next. "Never have I ever cheated on a test."

Fred, George, Draco, Harry and Ron all took swigs.

"Tsk. I expected better from you all," I said in mock disapproval.

Ron grinned, "Y/N, you've seen the quality of mine and Harry's homework, you shouldn't be surprised at this."

"Ok," Cedric said, "Never have I ever received nudes from someone."

Jack, Draco, Cedric, Harry and I all took drinks.

The boys were no surprise, but Draco frowned and looked at me.

"Who sent you nudes, Y/n?" He growled slightly.

I waved a hand dismissively, "It was just a dick pic from some stupid muggle boy I met over the summer."

Fred and George cracked their knuckles. "I'll kick his ass," They said simultaneously.

"It was seriously nothing, guys," I said, "I haven't even seen him since July." That seemed to calm most of them down.

"I'll still kick his ass." Fred muttered.

"Never have I ever done any type of drug." Harry said.

Only Fred and George drank.

"I'm gonna need to hear this story." I said, leaning forward in anticipation.

"Okay, so it's our 5th year and we're near Knockturn alley, right?" Fred starts off, gesticulating dramatically, "And we're just looking to nab some mildly sketchy salamander eggs for an experiment of ours."

"But then we see this creepy ass scarecrow-looking motherfucker in the alleyway behind us," George picked up the story, "And he's all 'So son, have you ever been in a...Turkish prison?' And obviously we wanted to get the fuck out of there so we started just backing away but then he followed us-"

"-And kept offering us these weird candy things that looked like gumballs-"

"-He called them Miracle Balls, which by the way is the worst possible name to ever call a candy-"

"-And we already felt guilty about refusing his Turkish prison offer so we decided to just take them and not eat them but then he peer pressured us some more-"

"-But long story short we woke up on the roof of the Leaky Cauldron with several essential items of clothing missing and I think I saw God."

"I definitely saw God." Fred ended.

We all sat in silence for a few moments just processing the story.

"Um, thanks for sharing? Remind me to never party with you guys." I said.

"Please remind me to party with you guys." Ron said.

The game was coming to a close. I was already feeling slightly tipsy from the fire whisky, and I could tell everyone else was too.

"Ok, here's a big one," Draco said. "Never have I ever fantasized about someone in this hot tub."

I thought for a moment and then downed my firewhisky, along with everyone else except Hermione.

The boys looked at each other suspiciously, and then turned to me.

"Y/n, you've fantasized about someone here?" Cedric asked.

"Who was it?" Jack said eagerly.

I smiled slyly and got out of the tub, walking back towards the house.

As I left, I called back over my shoulder, "That's for me to know and you to find out!"

A/n: I know the chapter's kinda short, but like I said it was deleted and I had to redo everything. I promise there's gonna be more plot stuff soon. I've also been busy working on some new books, including a Moriarty fanfic and an original teen fiction-y kind of thing. But yeah, I'll try and update soon. Thanks bbs

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