19 - Let's Paint the Town Scarlet

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*Y/N's POV*

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*Y/N's POV*

I was confused. I'd kissed Harry a couple days ago, and ever since we'd been acting exactly like how we did before - like good friends. Does this mean I'm friend-zoned? I have to admit, I thought he liked me, but maybe I misread him? Oh god, what if he actually hates me and he didn't want to kiss me and now I've ruined things forever and now I'm gonna die because I'm so STUPID.

That wasn't the only confusing part.

When Draco saved me from Jack, my heart fluttered so hard it almost lifted out of my chest. Is it possible to like two people at the same time? Or maybe even...more than two?


I mulled my question over until breakfast, where I sat down at the table with everyone, sandwiched in between the twins. By everyone, I mean the usual gang: Harrison, Drakey, Gred and Forge, Ronathan, Hermione, Ginny and I. Cedric was sitting at the Hufflepuff table like a traitor. His excuse was 'If I don't spend time with other Hufflepuffs they'll think I'm fraternizing with the enemy'.

I glanced over at him from across the hall and stuck my tongue out when we made eye contact. He blew me a kiss in return. I huffed and turned back around, hoping he could read my dissatisfaction in my body language. Of course by body language, I mean the giant sparkling middle finger made of confetti that I projected into the air with my wand.

"L/N! No vulgar magic in the Great Hall!" McGonagall shouted from the front of the hall.

"Sorry Professor!" I yelled back. 

I piled some waffles onto my plate and started digging in with such fervor that I didn't notice that I'd gotten some maple syrup on the corner of my mouth.

"Y/N." Fred took hold of my chin and turned my head towards him. I looked up at him quizzically and he smirked mischeviously.

"You've got some syrup on your mouth."

"Oh!" I start moving to wipe it off but he clasps my wrist before I can.

"Please, allow me," He brought his face closer to mine and I was so puzzled that I didn't pull away.

I felt his lips touch the corner of my mouth and his tongue swiped over my skin to lick the syrup off.

He pulled back and groaned, "So sweet. Just like you." He tapped me on the nose and laughed at my flustered state.

George frowned at Fred, "But Freddie, I thought we agreed to share her. You can't snatch her up for yourself, now I have to make it even."

I turned left to face him in confusion and he leaned in to softly kiss the other corner of my mouth.

"You're right, she is sweet." He winked and I cupped my cheeks to feel my face burning.

"Aww, she's blushing! That's so cute." They cooed in unison.

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