20 - Roses are Red, Riddles are Blue

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A/N: I got my wisdom teeth out a couple days ago so I haven't been able to write, let's goooo. Also tysm to everyone that votes or comments, I try to reply to as many as I can but I love y'all


Hermione and I were in the spa that had been recently installed this year near the girls bathroom and we were taking advantage of it like the broke teenagers we were.

"Ok, so after this massage we're doing facials?" I mumbled to her and she nodded dreamily as  she lay on the table directly next to me. My voice vibrated slightly from the almost painful kneading that the house elf was performing on my back.

Hermione had protested when she learned the workers were house elves, but was quickly persuaded by the luxurious facilities. 

"I can't believe it's taken us this long to come here. Magical massages are the best." I murmured.

She hummed in agreement and promptly fell asleep.

I soon joined her, submitting to the calming atmosphere and allowing myself to relax for the first time in a while. All this boy drama was too much stress for me; I was just going to enjoy myself and let things play out.


After our facials, Hermione and I left feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The treatment had involved a potion that would give us clear skin for the next couple weeks, which I thanked the heavens for because I tended to break out at the worst possible times. 

On our way back to the common room, we ran into Oliver Wood in the hallway.

"Y/N!" He called and grabbed my attention.

"Dumbledore told me to give you a message. He wants you to come to his office as soon as possible, and asks if you like cauldron cakes?" He seemed slightly flustered and was blushing but I didn't notice. 

"Huh, that's odd," I shot a questioning look at Hermione and she shrugged in equal confusion, "Well thanks Oliver, I'll head up there now."

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "It's nothing."

"Talk to you later, 'Mione." I waved goodbye to her and walked off towards the stairs that led to the Headmaster's office. When I reached the two stone griffins I thought back to Oliver's message and said, "Cauldron cakes." 

They spun apart with a grating noise to reveal a winding staircase.

This is so cool, I couldn't help thinking.

When I reached the top, the doors swung open automatically to reveal Dumbledore sitting at his oak table covered in knickknacks. He had a stony expression and his hands were steepled together like a Bond villain's.

"Come in, Ms. y/l/n. I've been waiting for you." He said gravely. My nervousness must have shown on my face because his stern tone only lasted a couple more seconds before he broke into a wheezing laugh.

"So sorry, I've always wanted to say that. Come in, come in." He stood up and beckoned me in. He took a seat on a plush armchair in the middle of the room and I sat on an identical one directly across from him. 

I coughed and started speaking awkwardly, "Sorry Professor, but why did you call me in exactly? I don't think my grades are unsatisfactory, and if this is about the squid incident then-"

He cut me off, "No, your schoolwork is completely up to snuff. I summoned you for a rather...sensitive and life-changing topic."

I gulped.

"I suppose I should probably just dive into it, shouldn't I? No point in sugarcoating it, then." He pushed his half-moon spectacles up his wizened nose. "I'd like you to participate in a most likely illegal and definitely top secret mission for me personally. The ministry can never know of this and before I elaborate further you must swear an oath to never reveal the information that is shared in this room today."

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