Part 2 - Chapter 7

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I'M SO SORRY!! I read all of your lovely comments and messages and I am SO sorry that this is so late!! It's been almost a year now, hasn't it??? Um,,,what's up shawties ah ha ha. Awkward. I love you thank you for waiting for me. 

I hope you're all doing well, and if you're not that's ok too. I'm always here if anyone needs someone to talk to :) 


Tom and I have been near inseparable since that night of the party, and as much as I hated to admit it to myself, I was growing attached. He made me miss my friends back in my own time period, and that's how I knew I had to end things soon. The only issue was how. I couldn't just abandon him after all the time we'd spent together, and as his only real friend I knew I couldn't just disappear with no explanation.

Any way I did this, it was gonna hurt like a bitch.

I contemplated all of this as I walked to Tom's dorm room so we could go to breakfast. To my surprise, he was still asleep and an evil grin crept across my face. I got a running start and launched myself onto his bed with a shriek akin to a strangled banshee.

He let out a pained wheeze and flailed around in an over dramatic display that ended in him falling off the bed.

"Wow you should really watch where you're going." I advised wisely.

"...You jumped on me." Tom forced the words out.

I tsked his clumsiness, "You should try not to fall off your bed so often. It's unhealthy."

"I hate you so much. So much."


I fiddled with the golden wristwatch that I'd kept on ever since that day in Dumbledore's office. How could I leave this time period without Tom reverting to his bitter and hateful ways? I began plotting, and a plan started forming in my mind. This was going to be very, very difficult.

I did my research and had conversations with my drug dealers. I mean, *scholarly connections. Typo. I had everything mapped out in my brain - the only thing I needed now was to execute it. 

The next day after class, I sat in the common room shuffling papers absentmindedly. All of our classes were over and at this point I was just waiting for Tom to finish his work so he could rescue me from my incurable boredom. Speak of the devil, the handsome mastermind-to-be came shuffling down the stairs in his slippers and bathrobe.

"Well don't you look spiffy, Mr. Riddle," I complimented mockingly.

"I know darling." He yawned and raked his hand through his unusually messy hair.

I didn't know how to respond to that. "Wanna go for a walk? It's a lovely day outside." I smiled and stared at him with the intensity of a dog waiting for a treat. 

He didn't seem amused, "I absolutely would on any other occasion, I swear, but the slippers-" He started but I didn't let him finish.

"Ok cool, I'll meet you outside in ten!"

He tipped his head back and groaned but didn't protest hard enough for me to actually care.

It was cold outside. Who's decision was it to go on a walk again? What a terrible idea. I was shivering noticeably and Tom rolled his eyes, shrugging off his wool coat to throw it around my shoulders. I murmured a thanks. Why didn't he just cast a warming spell? Huh.

We'd reached the entrance of the forest and I noticed Tom hesitated, but I continued along the quickly dwindling path and he hurried after me. The sun was soon blocked out by the towering trees and the open light of the rolling hills was far behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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