Part 2 - Chapter 1

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I dropped onto the bustling King's Cross station with a small popping noise. To my surprise, no one around me seemed to care or even notice that anything was out of the ordinary.

"Out of the way." A man with a trenchcoat and mustache shouldered me aside rudely and I glared at his retreating back. I then remembered that it was 1938 and no one really cared about women or acknowledged their rights.

The air was filled with cigarette smoke, shouting voices and screeches from the trains. "God, I hate the past." I ran my hand through my hair, starting to get anxious from the frantic atmosphere.

I walked as quickly as possible towards Platform 9 ¾. I hadn't even finished my fifth year yet and here I was starting in sixth.

I only hoped that I'd know enough to be able to keep up with everyone else. Dumbledore had said that Riddle's sixth year was when he started getting serious about Horcruxes and would be the best time for me to meet him. My age wasn't a problem because each year had a relatively wide range of students.

I sighed when I got to the brick pillar and turned around, acting like I was casually leaning against it so that when I fell through none of the Muggles would notice. I walked backwards and spun back around while walking, not changing my stride. After doing this so many times, it kind of lost its shock value.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna have to make new friends," I realized as I boarded the train. I hated having to meet completely new people, it was like starting new classes and not knowing if I'd have a friend in any of my classes. The worst part is when I don't have anyone I know in a class and we have to do group projects. I cringed just thinking of the memory.

I walked along the hallway looking for a compartment and breathed a sigh of relief when I found an empty one. I entered it and put away my suitcase, getting out a book to read on the ride: It was a muggle book I'd recently gotten called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I'd only just opened the first chapter when the compartment door slid open again.

"Hey, you mind if we sit here? All the others are full." A slightly raspy female voice made me look up and I saw two girls around my age standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, of course." I gave a small smile and inwardly berated myself for sounding so meek. I always try to be more outgoing, but I consistently fall back into my shy demeanor when meeting new people.

They sat across from me and introduced themselves. The girl that had talked first stuck out a hand that I shook, wincing slightly from her strong grip.

"I'm Lucretia. Lucretia Black." She had slightly frizzy, dark brown hair that was cut to her shoulders and strong facial features to match her powerful attitude.

"Eileen Prince." The second girl shook my hand as well. Her voice was softer and she had long, straight black hair that hung around her face like a sheet. I got the feeling that she also had trouble meeting new people and it was strangely comforting.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N." I grinned.

"So you must be new here. I think I would have remembered your face." Lucretia stated, leaning forward.

I nodded, "Yeah, I transferred from Beauxbatons this year. I'm going to be a sixth year."

"Oh, us too." Lucretia gestured to her and Eileen. "I hope you're sorted into Slytherin, that's what we're in."

I felt a rush of warmth, relieved that I'd know people in my house.

"Yeah, I hope so too."

We chatted for the rest of the train ride. Eileen gradually warmed up and started talking more once she got used to me, and I learned that she loved Herbology while Lucretia was a prodigy at Potions. Eileen actually had a wicked sense of humor once I got to know her and I caught myself laughing at her sometimes morbid jokes many times.

The Summer I Turned Hot (Hogwarts boys x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن