7 - "Who the hell doesn't know how to make toast?"

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A/N: So although I am gonna be continuously updating this book, I gotta say, writing multiple well-rounded love interests is pretty fuckin hard. Obviously I'm gonna keep with it, but I think I might cut the prospects down in size a little. Idk how many people are actually reading this, but comment which characters you'd like an emphasis on as far as romance goes.

I'll most likely be focusing on main characters like Harry, Ron, Fred & George, Cedric (cause he's a babe and didn't get enough book time), and Draco. Maybe even a lil Tom Riddle (pre-voldie ofc, no one likes that bald egg-headed bitch) depending on the direction this book takes. Alright peace, my good bitches. Back to the story.

On another note, I still can't really believe that dude is Filthy Frank ^^



You know how in the movies, the main character always wakes up with a perfect head of hair and skin like she just finished getting a facial? Can't relate. I woke up this morning wish a heart full of anger and hatred for absolutely every single organism on this entire bitch of an earth.

"Hey Y/N, I just got a new rabbit-" Katie began to say, but I cut her off. "Fuck rabbits. Fuck rabbits and their goddamn tiny heads. No one needs that much fuzz. It's selfish, that's what it is."

I grumbled and moved past her into the bathroom, towel slung over my shoulder. And it was then that I saw the single worst sign known to mankind.

"What the FUCK do you mean out of order?? We live in a magical castle for Jesus' sake, you're telling me the house elves can bake me a pie in 0.2 seconds but can't fix a shower? This doesn't mean...no. Please no. God no. Don't tell me we have to use-" Mary came back into the room and gestured over her shoulder.

"Boy's bathroom is that way."


"Y/N? You ok?"

"Of course," I smiled calmly, the epitome of dignity and composure. I gracefully walked over to the nearby window and swung a leg over the windowsill, fully prepared to yeet myself into the sweet embrace of the waiting ground.

"Y/N NO!"


After being persuaded not to end it all right then and there, I found myself walking over to the boys' dormitories with my bathrobe on and my standards lowered. It wasn't that the bathroom was worse necessarily, just that the male population tended to have worse hygiene and a lower regard for where they...aimed. Thank god for the house elves.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I entered the marble room to find it unoccupied. I guess I was later than I thought. Sliding my bathrobe off, I chose a shower stall and hung my clothes outside of it. As I turned on the shower, the warm water cascaded down my back and I relaxed. I felt a momentary flash of guilt for how I'd attacked Katie's bunny like that, but in my defense, I was woken up at 6:00 am on a Monday.

The rest of the shower went of without a hitch, right up until the moment that I was about to get out. From inside the stall, I heard some low voices giggling, and what looked like three pairs of feet approaching my stall.

"Uh, do you guys...need anything?" I asked tentatively, wrapping a towel around myself.

The outline of one of the guys reached over to the hook and took something off of it. He then turned with his friends and left my stall.

That was weird, I thought. Ah, well. I opened the door and felt around for my clothes, until I had a moment of realization.

"Shit shit shit shit shit..." I muttered to myself. In nothing but my towel, I walked quickly through the large bathroom, hoping to find the dumbass guys that took my clothes and wring their necks.

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