Chapter Thirty-Five: Do What Makes You Happy

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"That was a shit show," Clarke sighed, as we finally got back his apartment, many hours later.

After the press conference we both had to stay around for a little while. Clarke took a meeting with the board to discuss more damage control. It was weird not knowing what the plan was but I didn't work there anymore so I didn't need to know I suppose. We then stayed with Parker and Ava for a while before we all finally left. I told Ava I was going to stay with Clarke again, that I would tell her the rest later, because Clarke and I still needed to talk.

We had said a lot in the last two days. We said we wanted to date and that there was something strong there but it wasn't really a conclusion. It just thoughts and feelings, nothing completely solid.

"It could've been worse," I shrugged slightly, taking off the heels I had no choice but to wear. "You could've fucked the speech up."

"Yes, I suppose that's true. Thank God it didn't," Clarke sighed. "Thank you for coming with me today and standing there. I know it wasn't as easy as it seemed."

"I told you, I want to be there for you," I told Clarke as I walked around the couch to where he was now standing. "Even though I'm not sure what we are right now, I know we're still friends and that means I'll always help."

"Friends," Clarke said slowly. "I'm pretty sure we were moving past that."

"We are," I nodded slowly. "We do have a lot to still talk about thought."

"I know," Clarke sighed and then sat on the couch. "Let's discuss it now then."

"Oh, no, we don't have to do talk right now. You've had a long day, you're dealing with everything with your dad. It can wait," I told Clarke strongly.

I saw Clarke sigh again. "Rory, sit down please."

I saw Clarke's face turn slightly serious, but his voice was still inviting. I frowned slightly but sat down close to Clarke.

"We can't wait until they catch who did this to my Dad," Clarke told me calmly. "I don't know when it'll be over or if it'll ever happen, and honestly it might never. If I wait to tell the press, or wait to do anything with the company until then, I might wait forever. It's why I made the announcement about the Gunn thing not happening. It's why I asked the PR team about us today too."

I nodded slowly. "I...I understand that. Expect that I don't know what us is yet."

"Well, I know that I don't want to be the us we were before," Clarke told me. "I...I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to take you on dates, spend as much time as I can with you and flaunt it around that I have you."

I smiled, I couldn't help it. I looked down from Clarke a little and thought about what to say. I wanted that too, but it was scary. Something else stood out though.

"Wait, you've never had a girlfriend," I pointed out.

Clarke rolled his eyes slightly. "I know. None of the girls in my recent past I could say I even dated, but I kind of dated a little during high school."

"Teenage romance is not the same," I shook my head.

"Okay, yes maybe, but I just...know it, Rory. Some part of me just knows that this is what I want," Clarke said. "No, it's not even some part of me. I know it because I know how much I value your opinion. How I just want to be around you, and tell you everything. I know that's what being in a relationship is about, and I know I want that with you."

"There...was a time when I couldn't imagine Clarke Watson saying anything like this to me, let alone feeling this way," I told him.

"There was a time when I couldn't imagine feeling this way, but I'm glad I do," Clarke admitted.

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