Chapter 3 All or Nothing

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Cypress runs nonstop to the camp, with the idea of crossbow wielding cheetahs and dragons being on his tail didn't let him think twice about stopping. He joined the track team so it became easier for him to handle the situation and keep his heart rate lower than it had to be.

Back at camp most of the camp was ready. A food section, a secure area with all the necessary building materials and even a tech armory. The students were prepared to wait the chaos out. Violet seemed content that everyone was working together well except she worried for her scavengers, one of the groups came back and found nothing and the others were still missing in action. "The sun's going to set soon in a few hours, do you think Kara and the others are alright?" Tobious seemed concerned, until Cypress came running out of the woods half scared to death and out of breath.

Violet ran to him and told him to calm down, " Cypress what happened, Where are the others!" Cypress didn't know what words to use, the emotion on his face was of fear and dread, panting in confusion he conjured keywords "Purple dragon, cheetahs, bows and arrows, they can talk!" By this point Tobious was starting to freak, there's no way you're saying cheetahs and talking dragons are here, nice prank guys come on out. Cypress looked straight into Violet's eyes, she felt something was definitely wrong,

"Look we found a waterfall not 3 miles from here and then these anthropomorphic animals knocked our friends out and dragged them back to wherever they tear flesh off human bones for dinner. Those dragons looked like they've never tasted human meat before and It looked like they can talk, I saw Kara speak back and forth to one of them using a translator." Tobias's tone became angry, "look enough bullcrap, just tell us where the water is!" Violet stood up and faced Tobi, "We just went through a portal and landed God knows where, who's to say we're even on the same planet! For all we know this could be hell and we're already dead so let's prepare for it!"

Vi didn't care if he was kidding or dead serious she told everyone in the camp they were taking a search party of, Cypress, Tobious, Jake and herself along with a few other students in case things got out of control. Everyone else was ordered to stay at camp and she appointed guards to watch over them while she was gone.

Cypress was now calm, "Come with me you three, I have to show you something." He led them to the trench where Kara stacheed all the weapons, "Good God woman!" Tobious said. "I knew Kara was an army brat but I couldn't imagine her carrying a full bag of guns and ammunition, despite being 5'11".

"Kara was ready to graduate in a few months, her summers were spent interning at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. She had a need to honor both her parents so she has the experience to stay alive. Do any of you know how to work with guns?" The group looked at each other, "Let's hope our video game knowledge can be put to use". Violet said.

"Alright, safety's on, check the magazine's and count your bullets, we're gonna have Cypress lead a sniper team in case things get out of hand. Show us the way and we'll track them from there, they can't drag our friends bodies too far." Violet and her friends made their way off into woods to rescue their friends. Tobi left a few semi automatic rifles and pistols back at camp to the few people he trusted, they didn't know what would happen to them facing up against talking dragons and cheetahs. They made their way to Warfang.

Sam began to regain consciousness being carried through a massive medieval city with all eyes on him and his friends. Blurred vision didn't stop him from having a look around, Stone structures with a close resemblance to Pseudo Muromachi styles along with what resembled Meiji and Giyofu architecture. Dragon and Hybrid statues surrounding the city no surprise for a dragon ruled world. He passed back out and woke up an hour later with a bag over his head along with Kara and his friends in some kind of arena filled with different species. Spyro, Cynder, the kings and elders all stood by as the crowd cheered and prepared for their judgement.

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