Chapter 17: Revelations Part 1

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The squad stormed into the temple demanding an explanation, Violet blasted her shotgun in the air to get the elders attention. "Alright, how many of you were in on it!"

"Violet we agreed only to tell Ignitus!" Hunter said.

Violet wasn't taking any chances, if Hunter knew what Cypress told her he'd lose control too, "No way, we're ending this right here, right now, no more secrets!"

The elders were confused and couldn't believe they had their weapons pointed towards them.

"What do you kids think you're doing? Spyro, Cynder, What's the meaning of this." An elder said.

"The council is in danger please hear them out." Cynder said.

There's another organization in this council trying to take my people down, we won't tolerate this any longer! Tobi said.

"Cypress was kidnapped because he knew who was responsible and we want to know who else is behind this." Hunter said.

"Where are you getting this conspiracy!?" Cyril said.

Violet walked up to the center of the room pointing her weapon straight towards Kronos, "You've all been focusing on us so much you all failed to see your enemy was right under your tails this whole time.... Well...Don't all speak at once".

Ignitus was concerned, "My dear, we've no idea what you're implying, we would never hurt you or your people deliberately."

Gavin and his guards walked in on the humans side, "They're right, someone's trying to hurt our allies for information."

Cypress walked out from behind the others and slowly began to take off his shirt exposing his injuries; the council members began to freak, only an anthro could make the scars and cuts he had, "Michael... IS DEAD! I know which one of your leaders is responsible; this is your last chance to step forward with dignity and confess to what you've done!"

Kronos sweat through his fur ready to call his personal guards to attack, things were going to get ugly very quickly. Then the mask came in through the large ceramic door using Jubez as a shield holding the gun to his head.

"That's the person who attacked me earlier! Cypress I'm sorry I thought it was you, I never would have agreed to Jubez's plan if I didn't think--"

"Flame you fool! Silence!" Jubez said.

"No! Jubez you did this to yourself! They already know what happened." Flame said.

Jubez laughed, "You humans are in way over your heads do you know what's going to happen once you release me. I'm going to--" The masked man kicked Jubez on his knees and shot him twice in the leg before pointing the gun to his head.

"Gaaahh! Okay, fine I'll tell you, it was Kronos. He has it hidden under his wing. Without hesitation the hooded figure pointed her gun straight towards the Griffin and shot him in his foot. He wailed in pain on the floor holding his leg and the council couldn't do anything but watch with so many guns pointed towards them.

Who are you!? What the hell do you think you're doing? Violet said.

The hooded figure approached Kronos and lifted his wing revealing a purple crystal. Kartus wouldn't let the humans get away with this, "We won't allow you to take that! That artifact is from the old world, It's sacred!" He charged at her but stopped once she pointed the gun towards him he stopped in his tracks. The council members were enraged, "we won't let you get away with this!" Violet dropped her Spass 12 and dug into her pockets but couldn't find hers.

"Don't worry Violet, I already gave your crystal to the dark lord." Kara said. Everyone gasped.

"Impossible! You all have another sacred crystal!" Terrador said.

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