Chapter 6 Red Scare

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Hey guys!, so I finally finished putting together my class schedule and caught up on readings for school. I helped my friend Wen Shin move into a new apartment over the weekend so I haven't had the time to upload until Monday. From here on out chapters should come in every so often. Hope you're all enjoying the story so far 

Warfang finally saw where their allies came from and it's worse than they ever could have imagined.  Their relationship with the humans are gonna get a lot more interesting. If you guys love military games or movies then you're gonna love these next few chapters...Enjoy!

Update : Chapter 6 has received the most changes in plot. Hope you guys enjoy the new content, I'll have a new chapter uploaded soon by the end of the week.

The video finished playing and shut off, the camp held a stillness which was anything but peaceful, Jubez looked at Jake no longer with a smile, but with terror and regret. Cynder walked up to them on the stage tears in her eyes, "That's... not true... That's not real... Jake...tell us what really happened!" Jake kept his head down, he couldn't think of the words. Was there anything to be said after what half of Warfang saw.

"Cynder... Spyro we... we didn't want you to find out this way." Jake reached out to Cynder, but she slowly took a step back.

Tobious slowly walked up to Sergei offering him a drink, "Why don't you have a few to lighten up Sergei, you probably need one or ten knowing your people caused the end of our Great... covetous... capitalist country." Sergei punched Tobi in the face knocking him to the ground he dropped the bottle shattering it into pieces spilling whatever was left. Sergei took off his translator in the process.

Sergei: "Вы, тупые американцы, всегда обвиняете всех, кроме себя! Обвините моих людей еще раз, и я вас покончу. у тебя было все и ты все выбросил! блять сука!"(Blyat Suka!)

(You stupid Americans'! Always blaming everyone except yourselves! You had everything and threw it all away! Blame my people one more time and I'll end you. Fucking Bitch!)

The citizens were dying to understand what Sergei said in his mother tongue, but most had an idea, cursing and threats were clear in any language. Tobi quickly grabbed a broken glass shard and knocked Sergei on his back holding the knife to his throat.

"Tobious get off him!" Shen said.

"You damn Commies! We know it was them, halfway across the planet and your people couldn't stand losing to the Americans! Why did your people do it? Cold War revenge huh? Was it to spite us! Was it because we had all the water!? Why... Bastard, tell me Why!" Warfang remained in stunned silence.

Spyro walked up to Jake with despair wondering if they could ever truly be friends again, "What have you people done?" still processing what they just watched. Kara quickly headlocked Tobi and knocked him back to the ground, "Tobious enough"! Tobi wouldn't stop putting up a fight, "NO! Jubez is right, We deserve to know why, tell us!"

The quiet chinese transfer student Shen Min spoke out, "Tobious Stop!, It wasn't Russia who launched the ICBM's. It was my state!"

Cypress fell to his knees as Zophia caught him in her arms, Kara let go and fell back, Tobious stood up from the ground in shock, none of the humans could believe what they just heard. Tobi began to stumble. Shen noticed everyone's reactions and began breaking down, eyes wider and more watery than anyone else's. Tobi built up a large primal scream, "Oh no... no... no, No... RAAAAAAAAAAAA! his scream echoed throughout the forest and city.

"China couldn't have launched them, they already took the loss, they knew what would happen if... They would know, they had to know.... If they did then that means..."

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