Chapter 8 King of Hearts

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Hey ya'll, just to let you guys know my schools on a quarter system so classes go by really fast. I really want to finish a book as my new years resolution so my time management is gonna be off the charts. I still want to keep a social life, but I promise you'll be receiving more content. I'm going to be editing some chapters daily just to keep things intense. Enjoy the new chapter!

Update: I made a ton of changes to this chapter and added a party scene, if you've already read the story then skimming would make a lot more sense latter on and more fun. Enjoy.

The next morning everyone began clearing up the bodies from the field, burying the anthro soldiers and students side by side in the trenches outside the walls, brothers and sisters in arms. Spyro and the other dragons and elders believed It was best to burn the Grublins and Wendigo demons outside the city before the smell of their rotting corpses leaked into the rest of Warfang. Jake walked up to them as they used their fire breath to cleanse the battle field. "Thank you for helping defend my people, truth be told we weren't prepared for an ambush and a lot more good men would have died if you all didn't help us."

"Don't mention it Jake, as the guardian of fire Ignitus trained us, our sole duty is to use the element for good to triumph over evil... his words exactly." Spyro said.

Volteer turned to Jake as he finished torching another pile, "You and your people will stay with other dragons and Anthros in their homes; they shall welcome you all with open arms now. Warfang could've been completely destroyed if it wasn't for your strong tactics and weaponry."

Cyril agreed with Volteer, "Thank you for defending our city, Please apologize to your friend for me, the one who I knocked off my back. Can you let him know I... I just wanted to stop him from making a mistake, I never intended to hurt him."

Jake gave Cyril a much needed hug, "It's okay Cyril, I'm sure he'll understand."

Ignitus came to the elders and gathered students making amends, "Jake, Violet, we're going to need your help once more... The dark master was able to create rifts of his own and unleashed the entity, a dark creature whose sole purpose is to destroy this world.

The students were trying to process what they just heard, Violet seemed to understand what was happening as usual, "It's the entity, from the end of days!" Everyone looked at Violet trying to get to her level, "Guys when we entered the vortex it caused a catalyst effect by releasing a whirlpool of scattered temporal energy, strong enough to make other bubbles of portals around these lands. One of them must have spawned under the volcano! It's chemical environment must have been perfect for a creature like that to pass through to this realm!" The students and elders were shellshock,"Woah Violet I know you're smart but the rest of us didn't get into an Ivy League! Can you speak English please!" Shen said.

"We just came from a world being destroyed, and you're telling us this is going to happen again!? Oh now Camon! Give us a break!" Tobious was weak in his knees and couldn't believe it.

Ignitus frankly didn't care about the science or how it happened, "We must find a way to stop it before it completely encircles the world... We have several months to prepare before it ends its journey. I know this is much to process, but we must make sure we find a way to defeat the dark master before he ends all life in our realm."

Jake put his arm over Spyro's shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll find a way to stop that thing or die trying! We'll do whatever it takes!" Ignitus nodded, "Thank you, we'll discuss what to do another time, right now you all must recover from this travesty."

Jake began to walk back to check on his other people, but Spyro stopped him, "Oh, also thank Violet for sniping those wendigos and dragons for me, I'd be dead meat and beaten up even more if it wasn't for her." Jake smiled, "Of course Spyro, I'll be sure to tell her."

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