Chapter 5 Great Leap Forward

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Quick update: I made a lot ff changes and added some extra paragraphs to chapters 5-9. A lot of details have been added and I expanded the plot to match up with the story and give everyone a bit more character. Thanks for sticking with all my editing as I'm still improving as a writer. I hope my crazy stories inspire others. Thank you! 

More Days passed and Jubez became extremely vexed by the lingering human "Ted Talk" conventions next to his own village. One late afternoon the humans threw a huge concert party by their camp in high spirits inviting over half of Warfang. Most who showed were young adults alike interested in making friends and mingle with the new race. The event was supervised heavily by Warfang guards to contain the people and any disturbances, but with human music blasting through the city and forest things were completely out of their league. Cortez took lead DJ and started her favorite Electronic and New Age songs with questionable music taste.

Concert Playlist:

Cobra Starship - You Make me Feel,

DANK - Renegade,

Deadmau5 - Channel 42, Polaris,

Rezz - Hex (1788),

BEAUZ - Somebody,

Martin Garrix - So Far Away, BYTE, Scared to Be Lonely,

Illenium - "Take you down",

Crywolf - Tides,

Porter Robinson - Language & Shelter

Tiesto & Kygo - "Slow Mo",

Tristam - Empire of Sound,

Skrillex - Scary Monsters & Nice Spirits, Cinema, Try it Out (Hard Mix)

The Anthros were frightened but extremely curious, they had no idea why humans would listen to warped noises and distorted symphonies nearly jumping in fright to the Rezz track yet they couldn't stop dancing along with them. Earthly music was mesmerizing and unlike anything they'd ever heard, some even got emotional to the Porter Robinson songs and had to join. Spyro and Cynder were on the dance floor with Violet and Jake having the time of their lives, "Boy back where you guys come from your people sure knew how to throw a party!"

Cynder gave Jake a look he'd never seen before, in the middle of the concert party, she was enticed by his dubstep dance moves, she made it obvious she was really into him. The crowd was mesmerized by Violet pulling the running man with wave spins and side steps, the two began dominating the dance floor. Spyro tried to copy the humans awesome moves but fell on his face instead struggling to shuffle with all four legs.

"You make me Feel so, La La La Da Da! If you guys have this kind of music back home I would never stop dancing y'all!" Sparx said in a crowd of ties. Cynder started to warm up to Jake as he taught her shape cutting and shuffling shapes, she was more balanced than Spyro and nailed the moves as they shuffled together. Spyro became slightly jealous, but everyone kept on having a great time. By now humans were partying on rooftops and the Anthros were bringing some dance moves of their own, although not as coordinated they were fun to watch, everyone enjoyed socializing and dancing into the night.

Skrillex started blasting through the city and even the old citizens came out wondering what in the ancestors was happening, but not everyone was having fun. Jubez stumbled through the crowd of skin, scales and fur. He called for more guards as the humans were getting out of control. Some of them were drunk and dancing on the rooftops half naked, a human was seen doing a keg stand as two gorillas held up his legs, but the guards could only do so much other than chase and give them warnings. Warfang citizens were having so much fun with them. Cyril and Volteer tried blending in with the young crowd, but stood out like wolf among sheep. "I've always wanted to do this! WOOOO!" One of the students said as he climbed on top of Cyril riding him like a horse.

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