Chapter 10: Corruption in Paradise

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Everyone in the room was undecided except Flame and Kartus who believed the humans didn't deserve to stay in Warfang.

Flame held contempt believing Jake was manipulating them to gain their trust. "No way these beings are this contritious! Do you seriously want to take their people in!? After what they did to their own home! They have the power not just to destroy Warfang but our entire world! They use dark magic and give it another name to justify its use!"

Kronos again refused, "This is madness! I won't allow them to stay just because this human shed a tear, did you all miss the part where his kind leveled a civilization in the blink of an eye. I demand a meeting with the rest of the council!"

Melson the canine king surprisingly took the humans side, "We were debating whether we should help fight with his people, but they didn't hesitate. Look we all saw the same video and he told us everything."

Cyril agreed, "Although their elders made mistakes they're still young and deserve another chance... the boy said his school recruited orphans... what does that mean?"

Spyro defended his friends as well, "It means none of them ever met their parents, they were taken in by their "government" whatever that means, If it wasn't for them Warfang would be down in flames; Ignitus you know that, you all know that!"

"Spyro's right," Hunter said, "We owe a debt to them. It doesn't matter what they did in the past, after what they've been through and what they did for our city, it wouldn't be right to cast them out. Jake he's.. He's trying to be strong but I know he cares, I could see it in his eyes, he's a good soul and there shouldn't be any debate of keeping them around, Remember when my people believed the same of Spyro and Cynder... they should stay."

Ignitus let out a large sigh, "They confessed to the wrong they've done, they are young and deserve to grow and redeem themselves; besides, second chances are what separate us from evil."

The Canine king continued, "The humans are welcome to stay. With Malefor around we need them as our allies more than ever." Kartus wouldn't stop contesting their choice, "This is unacceptable!, If anything happens to Warfang it will be on your paws Melson!" he stormed out in a rage.

"It's settled, so long as they obey our laws, the council will agree they are welcome to stay." Terrador said.

Meanwhile in Malefor's Mountain, Ashley woke up in a dungeon with Kasley and other kidnapped anthros next to her cell. She was the only human with them which was a sinister surprise to her. She wasted no time in finding a way out the second she woke while questioning on what Malefor was. She pulled out her phone and began sending an emergency beacon to her people

Kasley: "Malefor is an undead dragon, legends say he came from the underworld, his sole desire is to rule over all of Warfang and our lands by himself, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve it". Ash listened to him rant while trying to find a way out of the dungeon picking bricks and checking the ceiling for weak spots or hatches.

Ash: "That doesn't explain why he attacked our camp; he could've started with Warfang, but he had to have a reason to go after my people".

Kasley seemed confused, "Why would he deliberately attack your people?" he didn't think of where the human was getting her reasoning.

Ash: "If his ego's as massive as his size he wouldn't have considered us a threat. Either he thinks taking us out will weaken Warfang or we have something that he wants".

Kasley realized, "The video of you and your people escaping, one of the elders held a sacred purple gemstone". Ash was now the one confused, "What? the purple piece of jewelry Violet carries with her? No way... it doesn't matter right now we need to find a way out of here. Ash searched and kicked the cell for minutes before she realized she had one last gun in her boot.

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