Chapter 4

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Christine's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the brightly lighted room. I take a look at my surroundings. The room was pretty, I'd have to give it that. Lovely, soft hues of green, yellow, and the occasional pink. Fresh roses were on the desk, and in the other corner was an assortment of books. I saw a door and opened it to find the grandest bathroom I had ever been into. Full shower, seperate bathtub, and everything anyone could want. By everything, I mean everything. I blushed furiously at that. This is creepy. I thought, glancing around the rooms. I had figured out by then that I had been kidnapped. I'd read online that a kidnapped girl pretended to be dead so that her kidnapper would dump her body somewhere. She survived intact, so I decided to try it. What harm could it do? Nothing could be worse than this. I crumpled to floor a moment before my kidnapper came in.

"Christine? Darling, where are you?" my kidnapper said. He sounded a lot like..... Erik! Memories flooded back into my mind. Erik had kidnapped me?! No, Mr. Destlar kidnapped me. I would not call him Erik anymore, which gave me a small victory. He came in the room the second I registered that he kidnapped me in my brain.

"Christine! Are you alright?!" Erik said, dropping to the floor. I felt him checking my pulse, and I guess he didn't feel it, because he bent down and sounded like he was gonna give me CPR! Oh no, sorry, but no way on earth was I going to let him do that! He bended down and I felt his lips brush mine a second before I shouted,

"Hello, Mr. Destlar!" He picked himself up and then reached out his hand to me. Waving his hand away, I stood up and looked him squarely in the eyes.

"Hello, Christine. How are you feeling?" He asked almost sincerely that I think I could believe him if it wasn't for the fact that I knew he kidnapped me.

"Great, actually. I should probably be going home now. See you Tuesday!" I said walking briskly towards the door. I tried it. Locked, of course. Why didn't I expect that?

"Actually, Christine, I came up here to tell you to freshen up. I'll sent the housekeeper to help you get into the gown. I'll see you in half an hour."

"Gown...?" I said, opening another door to find a lacy, white gown in the closet. White? But that means...

"A wedding? For who?" I asked, afraid I already knew the answer...

"You and I, of course. I have it all arranged. You'll look lovely. Your hair is beautifully long, so I made a special veil for it."

"I think you're mistaken. I'm not getting married."

"Yes, we are."

"No, we're not." I said, when someone knocked on the door.

"Ahh. Come in, Madame Giry." A woman walked in with a veil and necklace. "I'll leave you to dress. Be ready in half an hour." He walked out. Stunned, I sat down on the bed and started softly crying.

"Oh dear, don't cry. The master wouldn't like it. You don't want to look puffy for your wedding, now do you?"

"I don't care. What will I do? My life is over!" I said, while the woman helped me into the dress and started brushing my hair. Hmm... now's as good as a time as any.

"Madame, the master told me to cut my hair before the wedding. He wants it cut at the nape of my neck. He told me you would know what to do."

"He did? But the long curls are beautiful." asked Madame Giry doubtfully.

"Thank you, I think they are too, but he said they looked like a rat's nest. I'm trying my best to obey him. You understand, of course?" I reassured her, giving myself a smug grin inside my head. So there. Let the wedding begin!


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