Chapter 12

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Hi! Just to let you know, I don't own Wal-Mart or anything like that.(laughs)


3-4 weeks later...  

Everything was going great. Erik and I had music lessons everyday, and I found out he had a garden, where we walked often. I had moved my things to his bedroom. We were officially married, you know. Then one day, Erik decided he wanted to take me shopping. I was so excited.

"Really, Erik? I would love to!" I jumped up from the couch and hugged him. He was smiling big. I wanted to get something other than clothes though...

"Yes. Now, you go on and get ready. We'll leave in 15 minutes." He said, than shooing me away. I went up to our room, and brushed my hair and got my purse. I ran downstairs and got into the car to wait for Erik. He got in a moment or two later, and we started driving.

We talked for about 45 minutes, and then he stopped at a little cluster of stores and a Wal-Mart. We walked over to one of them, and suddenly I found myself with a bunch of ladies, telling this and that would go with my eyes, or hair. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Erik laughing. I grinned and turned away.

After shopping at almost all of those stores we were heading to the car and I stopped and said,

"Hey, Erik. I need to get something in Wal-Mart. Could you wait out here for a few minutes?" 

"Of course. Be back soon." Erik said, looking puzzled. I turned away and started walking towards it.

I got to my destination and found what I was looking for. Pregnancy tests. I bought a couple and got a bar of chocolate, in case Erik got suspicious. I put the tests in my purse, and was walking out the doors when I heard someone shout,

"Christine?!" Oh no. Was that Raoul shouting? I turned around and saw Raoul running towards me. I start running to Erik's car. I got in and yelled,

"Erik, drive! Hurry!" He pulled the lever and was going. I looked behind the window and saw Raoul stopping, out of breath. Whew! I just hope he didn't see the make or plate.

"What was that about, Christine?" Erik said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I was buying some chocolate and then I was walking out and Raoul saw me and started chasing me." I held the chocolate up as proof. "Do you want some?"

Erik started laughing hard. "You went inside there just to get chocolate? And then Raoul saw you?"

"Yes..." I say, breathing a sigh of relief. He didn't suspect anything...

"Okay, I will have some. We need to be on the look out for him." I nod and hand it over to him. He breaks some off and hands it back to me. I take some and eat it. Tomorrow I will see if my suspicion is true with that other thing.

Next day  

The next morning I wake up early and find Erik still asleep. I slowly get out of bed as to not wake him up, and head to the master bathroom, there I use the test and look at it.


I'm pregnant. I cannot believe my providence. I meet a wonderful guy(despite the circumstances I met him in), and now I'm going to have a baby. I'm so excited to tell Erik. I quietly slip out of the bedroom and think about how I'm going to tell him. 

I made him breakfast when I told him I loved him, so maybe I'll make breakfast again and while we're eating I'll tell him. Yeah, I'll do that. I find a muffin mix and mix that up. I suddenly feel someone's warm breath on my neck, and find myself staring in Erik's eyes.

"Am I that loud?" I mumble.

"No, it's just I don't sleep long when you aren't there with me." He smiles and starts helping me cook breakfast.

We finish and start eating. I wait a few minutes before I decide to tell him.

"Erik? I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" He says, looking up from his plate.

I smile and happily say, "I'm pregnant."

He stops eating and looks at me. I stop smiling.

"Are you not happy?" I ask, tears welling in my eyes.

"Not happy? I'm elated! That, is if you are happy?" He says, eyeing me carefully.

"Yes, I am very happy." He grins and picks me up and kisses me. I happily comply. He suddenly puts me down and says,

"Sorry, I won't do that again. I don't know what to do. We need to see if he or she is healthy and..."

I laugh and say, "Erik, you'll do just fine. You'll be a great father. You don't have to treat me like I'm the baby."

"Okay, but you should probably start eating more vegetables and..."

"Erik, stop. We'll worry about it after the doctor's appointment." I kiss him. We were living in extreme bliss.


Everybody liking it so far? Next chapter, I'm afraid you'll not like it... I'm going to apologize in advance(don't throw rotten vegetables at me please. I have a feeling you will in the next chapter...) Thanks so much for commenting, reading, and voting! I never dreamed it would be this likable.



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