Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to Summer-Boggess for helping me out with her great ideas! Thanks!


After that incident, things started to get a little better. I would listen to what Erik would say, and he would do the same to me. I still did not see him as my husband, though technically he was. I thought of him more like a big brother, so far. We existed in harmony for a couple weeks, before that one accident that changed everything.

After only reading books and doing music lessons, I craved for something new. I went to seek out Erik for...

"A TV? You want to watch some TV, Christine?" said Erik, baffled. I was trying to control my laughter. He acted like he never watched the television. 

"Yes. Erik, I'm bored. I read all the books written in English that are good in the library, and let's just say I need a break from singing." I said, fluttering my eyelashes. He groaned. 

"You know whenever you do that it makes me do whatever you want me to do." I grinned.

"No, I didn't know that, but thanks for telling me. I'll be sure to do it more often." He groaned again, but he got up and motioned me to follow him. I got up and followed him to a room. There was a TV in it! I sat down, and he handed me the remote. I flipped the channel, and he sat next me.

I was flipping the channel when I went past the news. I skipped back and started watching it.

"Christine Daae, age 19, was kidnapped roughly 4 weeks ago. Here is her best friend, Meg Giry, and   boyfriend, Raoul De Changy. Meg Giry speaks out about Christine's aunt dying upon hearing the news of the kidnapping." I was upset that Raoul claimed to be my boyfriend, when in fact my ex. I clamping my hand over my mouth, I swallowed a sob. Aunt Mildred was dead!?

"Christine, if you are watching this, please know that we are never going to stop trying to find you. Just because your kidnapper already killed your aunt does NOT mean we will give up." Meg stops, tears in her eyes. Tears are coursing down my eyes as well. Raoul speaks up, 

"Christine, we will track down this murderer until he is found and put behind bars." Erik turns the television off. I burst into tears and run out the door, only to grab my jacket and run out the front door to leave this forsaken place.


Erik's POV  

How many times must she run away before she realizes that I will always find her? I think, walking around in a thin layer of snow. Snow was falling thickly in front of me, and I had a hard time tracking Christine, as her footprints were disappearing as soon as I found them. Pretty soon the snow would completely cover the ground.

I worried for her, as she was only wearing a light jacket, and degrees were dropping. I could only hope that she would be alright when I found her. I should have never let her watch the television.


 Christine's POV  

It was so cold I couldn't feel my toes. I spot a tree and get behind it to shelter me from the wind. 

Aunt Mildred was dead. Whether by Erik or not, she was dead. Raoul. Why would that boy pretend I was his girlHe might forget what he did to me, but I never would. that night would be forever etched in my memory.


I was walking downtown when I spotted Raoul chatting to someone at a small restaurant. I looked closer and it was a girl! I walked in and said,


"Umm... hi." answered the girl. Raoul was silently playing with his napkin.

"Hi Raoul." I said, hoping I'd get a reply.

"Hello Christine." He answered sullenly.

"So Raoul, do you want to go to that rerun movie that's playing sometime? I think it's called The Phantom of the Opera. It was made in 2004." asked the girl sweetly.

My jaw dropped open. What she hitting on him?

"Excuse me. He's my boyfriend." I spoke up, giving a glare to the girl.

"What? He's my  fiancee. We are getting married next week."

"Wait... that means... you have two girlfriends!" We both exclaimed.

"No, I have a girlfriend and a fiancee." snapped Raoul, "I never meant for you two to meet."

"No? Well, as of tonight, you only have a fiancee since I'm breaking up with you." I rushed out of the door as soon as I said those words, and went home.

-Flashback Ends- 

I realized that Erik would never do that to me. He wasn't a Raoul, or any other type of bad boyfriend. He really loved me and I think I loved him too. I had to get back to him! 

"Christine!" I hear someone shouting. I slowly stand up and rush into strong, warm arms. Erik held me close before picking me up and carrying me to the house. I was very sleepy and yawned,

"Thank you, Erik." I decided I would tell him I loved him tomorrow. He laid me down in my covers, and whispered, "Please don't do that again."

I smile and nod. I then fall asleep listening to the wind howling.


What did you think? Summer-Boggess really helped me! I can not believe she had so many wonderful ideas for me! Thank you to everyone who read my story!

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