Chapter 14

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Christine's POV       

I woke up in a bed around what I assumed to be sunset, deja vu hitting me severely. Great, kidnapped again. How many times can you get kidnapped before you're immune? I think before getting up. 

This looked like a master suite... meant for two people... which means Raoul! I turn around to see Raoul sitting on the bed. I scream and saw a door out of the corner of my eye. I bolted toward it only to find it locked... again, deja vu.

"Well, my darling, it seems you are awake. Would you like to freshen up?" Raoul walks towards me. I shudder and place my hand over my stomach, then I think about what he said in the car... and slowly lift my eyes up to ask him the question,

"Do I still have... my baby?" He frowns, and raises my head to level with his eyes.

"That issue was taken care of when we got here, as I told you before that it would. You need to forget about your former life, and think about the future you have with me!" He roars, than forcing me up, he shoves me in the bathroom, and shouts, "Now get dressed! You have an hour!" He slams a door behind him, and I hear the lock click.

I start sobbing, and cradle my stomach. A little boy or girl, who would grow up, call me mama, and live a life, was gone. Gone. Dead.

Who did I have left to live for? Nobody, except for Erik. Erik. I sob as I turn on the shower. I would never see him again. He wouldn't even know that our baby was dead. I scald myself with hot water, than turn it on until I was shivering with cold. It didn't take any of the pain away, as I had hoped.

I sat on the bed, my heart heavy and mind blank. I sit there, waiting for Raoul to come back. He came back, and said softly,

"Would you like something to eat?" I could not believe how quickly is personality changed. One-minute exploding, the next minute kind and shy. I know there was an official word for that, but none came to my mind.

I shook my head and lay on a pillow. He nods and whispers in my ear,

"The doctor said you would heal in enough in a couple of days to get married to me. We will have a such a wonderful life together." He shut the door and left me in my misery. 


"Find anything, Nadir?" asked Erik, glancing over at the Daroga, who was typing something in his computer.

"Well, it seems to me that since he threatened Christine with a knife, according to the witness, that he would bring her somewhere hidden and reclused. I typed in his name, and he has around a couple homes within a few hours of here." He said slowly, pointing at the screeen, "I think we should check this one out first, since it is 5 miles from any town."

"Well, get going then!" Erik almost shouted. He sighed, frustrated that he had let his guard down and allowed this to happen. He prayed that she and their baby would be alright when he got there.


I love babies and children, and am DEFINETELY pro-life, so writing this was heart-breaking. I promise I have a plan up my sleeve though... Stay tuned to find out! (I seriously don't blame you if you don't believe any good can come out of this!)


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