Chapter 20

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December 18, 2014    8:19 pm

Erik watches Christine carefully, while Christine breathes deeply.

"Are you sure the baby isn't coming now?"

"Yes, I'm postitive. But I know I won't be able to go to sleep for a while, so I'll just sit here." She was sitting on the couch in front of their TV.

"Well, I think I'll pop a movie in, and we can watch that until you fall asleep."

"Sounds good." Christine says wearily. She sits down, but before she can lift her feet up, her water breaks.

"I think the baby's coming, Erik."

"What?! You just said it wasn't coming yet!" Erik says, panicking. 

"Well, it is now." I breathe heavily, trying not to scream. Now that would put him in panic mode.

Erik runs around getting the car keys and hospital bag. I load myself in the car and call Erik to come and drive. The pains are intense now, and I can't wait to get the epidural...........................

We make our way to the hospital, where I'm wheeled away to the birthing rooms, Erik close at their heels. I'm still feeling the pains, and now I'm feeling the urge to push.

"She's 9 cemimeters dialated!" One of the nurses says. I'm really wanting that epidural now...

"Can I PLEASE have the epidural?!" I yell. I'm suprised how Erik's taking this. He's sitting beside me, just holding my hand, and talking to me.

"Sorry, lady, you're going to have to give birth right about.... now!" I push for what seems like forever. I don't feel like I have the strength to do it one more time, like they asked. Erik whispers something in my ear, and I push one last time. Erik walks over to see the baby, and I can't tell what gender it is.

"Erik! Is it a boy or girl?" Erik is holding the baby, and I stretch my arms out to see it. 

"It's a girl, Christine. A baby girl who looks just like you." He hands her over, and I cradle her. She has the biggest blue eyes, and soft, dark baby curls on her head. I would do it over and over again, if it meant having a sweet child to have.

Erik's talking to someone with the birth certificate. They come over here, and we both start talking to each other about the names.

"I like Christine Emmaline for her, Christine. She looks just like you, and I think it would be perfect."

"Erik, I want our child to have a name that isn't exactly like her mother's."

"Well, I guess I can understand that. How about Emmaline...."

"Melody? Emmaline Melody Destlar sounds good." I nuzzle the baby's head. She's such a sweetie!

"I like that. We could call her Emmy for short." Erik says. I hand her over to him. He takes over the father role perfectly.

"Emmy is nice, or just plain Emmaline is fine with me. I never went by a nickname, although my friends always wanted to call me Chris or Christy."

"It's settled then. Emmaline Melody Destlar is her name." Erik says to the nurse. She writes it down, and walks away.


We got home 2 days later. Emmaline weighed 6 pounds, 7 oz. at birth. She was a content child, and only cried when something was wrong. I hope my other babies will be like her....


How did you like it? Did you like Emmaline's name? What do you think of the birthing? Erik was pretty calm. The next chapter will be the epilouge, so watch out!


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