Chapter 6

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Hi! Thank you, Le_Fantome_de_lOpera, LJangel527, and Summer-Boggess for following me! I really appreciate that you guys did that!


When I ran.  

I never was good at running. At track, I was always one of the people who was always last. But not today. I ran faster than I thought was possible, which in the process kicked up dust and ruined my hated  wedding gown.  I was so set on running that I didn't know where I was running to! I stopped suddenly, panting. I looked around me. I was somewhere in the woods, but I couldn't see the house, to my relief. I ws about to start running again, but someone came up behind me and grabbed me. I was about to scream when he clamped his hand around my mouth. 

"Shh, Christine. Why did you try to run from me? I love you." Erik said, letting go of my mouth.

"Maybe because you're a creepy kidnapper, and it's even creepier that you love me." I said, then picking up my skirts I started running again. He caught up to me in two long strides, and picked me up and carried me to the car. Ugh, this dress is impossible! I sat, frowning.

"Now, promise me you will never run again."

"Whatever. Like I'm gonna do that."

"Promise me." He urged, fear evident in his eyes. Good, he should be afraid.

"Nope." I rolled my eyes. When will he ever learn?

"Fine, don't run again today."

"Okay." I mumbled. Like I expected to be able to do it again today. 

"Good. Now put the blindfold on and let's go." He said shutting the door. He walked over to his side and started up the engine and drove off.

Finally, two hours later, we made it to a tiny chapel. He opened my door and grabbed my hand. We walked up and he knocked forcefully on the door. It opened and a man wearing a collar, who I assumed would marry us, ushered us in.

"Hello, would you like to begin now?" He directed the question mostly to Erik, but partly to me. 

"Yes, right away. Please start." snapped Erik, glancing around. I think he was worried about someone finding us. I, on the other hand, would be extremely happy if someone found us.

"What are your full names?"

"Erik Destlar." said Erik, than glancing at me I mumbled,

"Christine E. Daae." Erik looked suprised. I guess he didn't know my middle name, which pleased me. My parents and I were the only ones who knew it, not even my friends knew it.

"Erik Destlar, do you take...." I sighed. Yesterday morning, I would have never thought I would be standing here, marrying my music teacher! 

"I do." Erik said, adoration evident in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, then turned to the man.

"Do you, Christine E. Daae take Erik Destlar to be...." He rambled on, "For as long as you both shall live?"

"With living or health being lest likely, I do." Erik stared at me, looking hurt. I shrugged. How was I supposed to know if he would kill me or not?

"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I stared in shock as Erik kissed me. I struggled and started walking out of the building, Erik at my heels.


We made it back to the house without a word said in the car. He then asked,

"Would you like to go to your room now?"

"Yes." I bit my lip nervously. I could only pray that he would not follow me in. He then escorted me up the stairs and locked me up in my bedroom. I sighed in relief, thankful that at least we did not have to go through that. I then sat on the bed and started crying again. What would become of me?


Hi! Hope you all liked it! No major cliffie here, so you're welcome! Thank you for reading and voting!


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