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Hi, cutie behind the screen. If you've read a book of mine before, welcome back. If this is your first time. Good luck. I hope my chaotic writing doesn't scare you away.

follow me on insta: @tazahmd if you wanna get to know the shitty but sweet author! (:

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 1:08  ───|────── 3:33|◁              II             ▷|

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1:08 ───|────── 3:33
|◁ II ▷|

"I'm sorry ma'am, can I just slip past you for one moment, thank you." Jimin gave the woman a nod, as he rushed through the crowded train station.

"Hurry up Namjoon, I can't be late." He rushed the boy behind him, carrying all his luggage.

"I think we'd be traveling a lot faster if you'd help me carry some of the bags." Namjoon groaned as the suitcase rolled over his foot. 

Jimin eyes brightened as he watched the line in front of him quickly shorten. "That's the one."

"Hi, can we get two tickets to Paris." Jimin slammed his passport onto the counter.

"Two train tickets to Paris." The younger woman repeated, confirming with him.

"Yes yes." Jimin brushed his hair back. "and can we please hurry this up—do you see all those people boarding the train?" He pointed behind him.

"Sir, next week is Christmas—if I want to take my damn time, I will." She harshly spat.

"Just give me the ticket." Jimin angrily muttered.

"Here." She shoved the ticket into his hand. "Have a terrible trip."

"I will." Jimin squinted his eyes, as Namjoon pulled him from his sleeve.

"Come on, the doors are going to close—!"

Jimin grabbed a bag from Namjoon, and jolted to the train. A crowd of people were surrounding the doors, trying to push through. Police stood by, not doing a thing about it.

"What are we gonna do now—?" Namjoon scratched the back of his head.

"Follow my lead." Jimin quickly mumbled before holding Namjoon in a head lock. "Everybody move out of the way—! This man's about to vomit and it's not gonna be pretty."

With that being said, people quickly jumped back, letting the two boys onto the train. Jimin smirked as he held his hand out to Namjoon, who ignored the gesture and began to walk along the narrow isle.

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